The 3-panel 4th Circuit appeals court ruled that the Bankruptcy Code doesn’t stop the plaintiff from suing PHH Mortgage Corporation.
US District Court Judge Lynn Hughes Departs Involuntarily While One Unnamed 5th Cir. Judge recuses (we assume Jones) and Owen departs too.
There needs to be an expedited solution to the ongoing Ochlocracy in the Judicial Branch and the revolving door policy in Congress.
If an amicus brief turns out to be unhelpful, the merits panel, after studying the case, will then simply disregard the amicus...
The length of the current anti-eviction law, considered in the context of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, is not extreme enough to override...
There's a long list of amici backing AFPF, which is not surprising as these legal non-profits are representing the billionaires who effectively...
LIT believes that non-profits - where the majority of revenue comes from only a handful of donors - is deceptive and demands...
Chief Judge Lawrence Marks is opposing landlords eviction request and meantime Chief Judge Janet DiFiore is expediting wrongful foreclosures.
The one percenters: Billionaires, lawyers, academics, politicians are all in the money game. Because money decides who wins in America, not the...
Chase and several amici suggested for the first time that the panel’s reading of Pinti and other SJC precedents would invalidate most...
In 1992, a Fifth Circuit judge called out Senior United States District Court Judge David Hittners sentencing as vindictive and unconstitutional. Move...
The US Supreme Court has previously held that a plaintiff suffers an injury in fact when the plaintiff fails to obtain information...
Paul Clement said, the government is not asking the Supreme Court to resolve a live dispute. Instead, he said, DOJ wants the...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has joined a lawsuit against the State Bar of Texas, but the Judge responsible is taking his...
The Trump administration believes that the bureau’s lone director is unconstitutionally shielded from accountability to the president, yet the Justice Department’s final...
A leading conservative U.S. Supreme Court advocate on Wednesday urged the justices to uphold the single-director independent design of the Consumer Financial...
In this 7th Circuit Appeal, a homeowner effectively wins a free and clear home. That is a great result for this homeowner...
DiResta: I suspect that SCOTUS will, in fact, find the structure unconstitutional on the basis of the separation of powers. But I...