VOL. 2: ETHICS AND JUDICIAL CONDUCT; Ch. 3: Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings
Before issuing a scheduling order, most judges find it advisable to hold a case-management conference to learn more about the case.
Those encouraging the White House to expand Trump’s Supreme Court list named 5th Circuits Kyle Duncan, Andy Oldham and 11th Cir. Elizabeth...
The attorney-client privilege is narrowly construed and protects disclosures necessary to obtain informed legal advice. Threats of violence do not count.
Petrobras relies on a Fifth Circuit opinion to support that the district court should have considered the public policy issue. This cannot...
Judge Dennis dissents quoting that the case majority (Judges Duncan and Elrod) relies upon was decided under Mississippi state law, rather than,...
Broken Robes: Judge Catharina Haynes of the Fifth Circuit has a financial interest in the outcome of the Cadenas case in Texas....
Civil rights lawyers have once again asked a federal judge to hold Orleans Parish Magistrate Judge Harry Cantrell in contempt of court...
When the decisions of courts of justice are made, they must, it is true, be executed; but the power of executing them...
It's not uncommon for judges to write separate concurrences to their own majority opinions but we've not seen a judge write a...
Broken Robes: Judge Catharina Haynes of the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit versus Senior United States Judge David Hittner of...
A well-known Waco, Texas defense lawyer, who once ran for county district attorney, sat behind bars on Saturday in a murder for...
A Vermont lawyer has had her license suspended on an interim basis after she was accused of pulling a gun on a...
Sen. Mike Shirkey condemned those who have populated a number of social media posts with crude, violent and threatening messages about our...
Paul Clement said, the government is not asking the Supreme Court to resolve a live dispute. Instead, he said, DOJ wants the...
Public Defender Peter Bray, who is representing Yarbrough said “I expect Mr. Yarbrough to make a statement at the time of sentencing...
Current federal jurisprudence grants judges wide latitude in the exercise of contempt powers, which in turn can lead to dire consequences for...