Focused on making the world better one step at a time. Eliminating Poverty by Increasing Prosperity is something that we live by...
The petition claims the home at risk is currently for sale, but per LIT's investigation, it's not currently active with any realtor.
LIT takes a very close look at why Cenlar FSB are still hiring BDF Hopkins as counsel in foreclosure matters in Texas.
The first noticeable fact is that PHH Mortgage Corporation cases have a set list of foreclosure mill counsel with no room for...
LIT takes a very close look at why Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC are still hiring BDF Hopkins as counsel in foreclosure matters...
Whether or not Kohen's lawyer was paid or not for the services, there is no excuse not to file an answer within...
Congress continues to fail homeowners and citizens post 2008, when Wall St stole all affordable homes and prices have soared.
Mandy Kelley's husband or perhaps estranged husband is not mentioned as a party and Mandy's living in a new address.
Lawyer Ray Shackelford has a HAR realtor called Isaac Flores lined up as a buyer, who owns a Texas Corp. called IMA...
And why is it former Harris County Judge and now Houston Federal Judge Alfred H. Bennett keeps being assigned these property scammer...
There's a discrepancy of 16 years between the date on the lawsuit petition and what HCAD is recording as the actual date...
Maybe Shelley Hopkins can rent Gregory's Girl on Netflix for inspiration as the years fly by and hubby no. 3 is hard...
It ain't Rene Gaviola that's listed at HCAD, nope its Marievic Gaviola. And there is a selection of debt and foreclosure cases...
This foreclosure case is another $10 fraudulent transfer and in the background lurk Kafi Inc et al, all Real Scumbags.
Res judicata does not bar Plaintiff’s claims as Plaintiff’s claims arose after the previous lawsuit was filed and the conduct is ongoing.
J. Gannon Helstowski Law Firm of, TexasCreditLaw.Com, is Not Registered with Texas OCCC.
That's worthy of a hat tip from LIT. It's time the majority of Judges who allow unopposed motions to withdraw for non-payment...
AL - Steven Clayton has been in Federal Court fighting wrongful foreclosure and his criminal conviction for over a decade, without penalty.