And after this case we anticipate another in the name of Amroc Homes LLC, taking into consideration fraudulent conveyances being recorded.
Deutsche Bank's Role in Delaying or Even Pursuing Foreclosure Raises Questions of Selective Targeting and Discriminatory Practices.
LIT's investigation reveals that Brandon Dutch Mendenhall and DHI Holdings LP are facing mounting financial obstacles.
LIT's investigation reveals that Brandon Dutch Mendenhall and DHI Holdings LP are facing mounting financial obstacles.
Kalkan sold Vista to TXMV for ten dollars, now owner of Mira Vista Apartments, encumbered TXMV with debt and then drained TXMV...
That differs when you are in Federal Court on Appeal. It didn't stop PHH and Mark Cronenwett from filing for nonjudicial foreclosure.
The Texas Struggle: Defying Northern Banking Giants and Their Bounty Hunting Lawyers to Protect Her Home from Rustlers and Thieves
In Plaintiff’s prior response, under section F. Burke Fails to Assert a Claim for Fraud, the How element was inadvertently omitted.
Texas Supreme Court Justice Blacklock: Why should the court give the lender rights it didn’t bargain for to get paid?
Gunsmoke and Legal Misfires: PHH’s Reply Misses the Mark. Hopkins Law’s Cockamamie Response Turns Legal Logic into High Noon Nonsense.
LIT Investigates RAD Diversified REIT Inc., aka Brandon Dutch Mendenhall and Amy Vaughn's businesses which appear to be in financial stress.
After dismissal of their federal lawsuit and termination of relationship with lawyer Dave Medearis, the Sweeney's hire J GANNON HELSTOWSKI.
Previously Acting Pro Se for His LLC, Foreman Faces Legal Challenges Under Texas Law when trying to stop foreclosure of business property.
The U.S. government appears to allow unscrupulous bad actors to flip properties rather than returning them to the original homeowners.
Larry Preston (1947's) Connection to 5709 Langley Houston, TX 77016 Reappears: Harris County Courts Rename Him Sui Juris.
Three lauded Texas University law schools employ these academics. Despite their resumes centered on civil rights, they refuse to defend them.
Newrez LLC terminate their own counsel Shelley Hopkins of BDF Hopkins as soon as she snap removes to federal court in Houston,...
Uneven Treatment: Judge Allows Longer Response Time for Opposing Party and their Counsel Despite Previous Restrictions on Pro Se Plaintiff.