
Svetlana Pestova, aka Pestova Holdings LLC n’ the Sealed Docket at Harris County District Court

This is one of several recent lawsuits filed where Svetlana Pestova is involved. Why did Judges Schaffer and Roth seal the original petition?


MAR 22, 2025

As you’ll note the above case re the Ford St property ended in eviction in mid-February 2025 and the mail from this [removed] federal case was returned “undeliverable”.

There’s been no further movement noted as to any foreclosure sale, however, the property has been removed from HAR (for sale listing).

In other news, Svetlana’s had a tract of land foreclosed in Feb. of 2025, as recorded in March of 2025..

Pestova v. PHH Mortgage


District Court, S.D. Texas, Judge George Hanks, Jr

SEP 27, 2024 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: OCT 10, 2024
OCT 10, DEC 25, 2024

Above is the date LIT Last updated this article.

The petition, which was unlawfully restricted at HCDC is added to the end of the removal docs, so keep flippin’ the PDF to near the end.

Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge George C Hanks, Jr. SHOW CAUSE HEARING held on 12/18/2024.

At the hearing, the following rulings were made as stated on the record:

The Court held a show cause hearing.

Plaintiffs did not appear.

The Court will DISMISS this case without prejudice for want of prosecution.

Appearances: George Colby Scherer.(ERO:yes), filed. (knp4) (Entered: 12/19/2024)

The Court ordered the parties to attend an Initial Pretrial and Scheduling Conference in this action on December 6, 2024, at 11:00 A.M. by video before Magistrate Judge Peter Bray. (Dkt. 3). Neither party appeared.

Accordingly, the parties are hereby ORDERED to appear for a hearing to show cause why they failed to appear for the December 6, 2024 hearing. The show cause hearing will be on December 18, 2024 at 1:30 P.M. by zoom.

Failure to appear at the show cause hearing may result in dismissal of this case for want of prosecution or in such other sanctions as the Court deems appropriate.

Meeting ID: 160 543 6517

Passcode: 208408

Signed in Houston, Texas this 10th day of December, 2024.


U.S. District Court
CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 4:24-cv-03662

Pestova et al v. PHH Mortgage et al
Assigned to: Judge George C Hanks, Jr

Case in other court:  152nd District Court of Harris County, Texas, 24-58457

Cause: 12:191 Bank Foreclosure

Date Filed: 09/27/2024
Date Terminated: 12/19/2024
Jury Demand: None
Nature of Suit: 220 Real Property: Foreclosure
Jurisdiction: Federal Question


Date Filed # Docket Text
10/16/2024 4 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES by Velocity Commercial Capital, filed. (Schroeder, David) (Entered: 10/16/2024)
11/21/2024 5 Amended CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES by Velocity Commercial Capital, filed. (Scherer, George) (Entered: 11/21/2024)
11/21/2024 6 INITIAL DISCLOSURES by Velocity Commercial Capital, filed. (Scherer, George) (Entered: 11/21/2024)
11/26/2024 7 JOINT DISCOVERY/CASE MANAGEMENT PLAN by U.S. Bank Trust Company National Association, PHH Mortgage, Velocity Commercial Capital, filed. (Scherer, George) (Entered: 11/26/2024)
12/10/2024 8 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. Show Cause Hearing set for 12/18/2024 at 01:30 PM by video before Judge George C Hanks Jr(Signed by Judge George C Hanks, Jr) Parties notified. (knp4) (Entered: 12/10/2024)
12/18/2024 9 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge George C Hanks, Jr. SHOW CAUSE HEARING held on 12/18/2024. At the hearing, the following rulings were made as stated on the record: The Court held a show cause hearing. Plaintiffs did not appear. The Court will DISMISS this case without prejudice for want of prosecution. Appearances: George Colby Scherer.(ERO:yes), filed. (knp4) (Entered: 12/19/2024)
12/19/2024 10 FINAL JUDGMENT. Case terminated on 12/19/2024(Signed by Judge George C Hanks, Jr) Parties notified. (knp4) (Entered: 12/19/2024)



PACER Service Center
Transaction Receipt
12/25/2024 10:13:16

ORDER for Initial Pretrial and Scheduling Conference and Order to Disclose Interested Persons.

Initial Conference set for 12/6/2024 at 11:00 AM by video before Magistrate Judge Peter Bray.

(Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter Bray) Parties notified. (bkt4) (Entered: 09/30/2024)

U.S. District Court
CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 4:24-cv-03662

Pestova et al v. PHH Mortgage et al
Assigned to: Judge George C Hanks, Jr

Case in other court:  152nd District Court of Harris County, Texas, 24-58457

Cause: 12:191 Bank Foreclosure

Date Filed: 09/27/2024
Jury Demand: None
Nature of Suit: 220 Real Property: Foreclosure
Jurisdiction: Federal Question
Svetlana A Pestova
Luis Vogar
PHH Mortgage
Velocity Commercial Capital represented by David Anthony Schroeder
Ghidotti Berger LLP
16801 Addison Rd
Ste 350
Addison, TX 75001


Date Filed # Docket Text
09/27/2024 1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL from HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT COURTS, case number 2024-58457 (Filing fee $ 405 receipt number ATXSDC-32251488) filed by VELOCITY COMMERCIAL CAPITAL. (Schroeder, David) (Entered: 09/27/2024)
09/30/2024 2 CLERKS NOTICE Regarding Consent to Jurisdiction of Magistrate Judge. Parties notified, filed. (bkt4) (Entered: 09/30/2024)
09/30/2024 3 ORDER for Initial Pretrial and Scheduling Conference and Order to Disclose Interested Persons. Initial Conference set for 12/6/2024 at 11:00 AM by video before Magistrate Judge Peter Bray. (Signed by Magistrate Judge Peter Bray) Parties notified. (bkt4) (Entered: 09/30/2024)



PACER Service Center
Transaction Receipt
10/10/2024 17:06:44

 202458457 –



AUG 30, 2024 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: SEP 1, 2024
SEP 1, 2024

Above is the date LIT Last updated this article.

LIT returned to this case as it was filed but when there’s an issue with the filing, it is listed but no docket is normally available while the issue resolves e.g. payment or missing signature or similar.

Here, the case is to stop foreclosure of a property and the usual process is the petition is filed and the application for a TRO is heard by the ancillary judge.

What’s unique here is that the case is still showing as having issues, and to a certain extent that’s true. There’s no petition but today there’s a signed order granting the TRO by ancillary judge Donna Roth with a $250 cash bond. That’s a first. We didn’t know that ancillary judges are handed files that are not accepted on the docket first and allowed to rule.

Notice of Filing Notice of Removal (Sep 27, 2024)

Svetlana Pestova and Luis Escobar aka Luis Vogar Sent to Mediation with Eric Carter

Another lawsuit filed by Svetlana Pestova which has been referred to mediation. This property has ties to the Rachel Gallegos article on LIT.

Laham Investments LLC’s Wissal Laham and Christina Griffin Snap Removed by ONITY (PHH)

The lawsuit filed in Harris County District Court pro se with a purported $600,000 sales contract to Wissal Laham.

Sharon Davis, aka Bladen, aka Svetlana Pestova, aka Pestova Holdings LLC TRO Stops ONITY Foreclosure

LIT Investigates:11615 SAGEHOLLOW LN HOUSTON TX 77089-4732 is subject to a purported sales contract with Svetlana Pestova.

Svetlana Pestova, aka Pestova Holdings LLC n’ the Sealed Docket at Harris County District Court
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