Charlie Baker Executioner
Donald Trump

Mass. Evictions Scheduled as Charlie Baker Brings In Aged Judicial Executioners to Expedite Foreclosures on Distressed Families

The wheels of the eviction machine are spinning as retired judges are brought back to expedite foreclosures in Massachusetts by Gov. Baker.


It’s 2009 all over again. This time the Courts are ready and they are rehiring the judicial executioners from the financial crisis to expedite their plan to fill Wall Street coffers. In order to do so, they have to evict millions of families, creating more hardship on the people and their families who need help during this pandemic and time of uncertainty. It also means more affordable housing will be snapped up for cents on the dollar and added to REITs and rented back to the people at exorbitant rates. The people need to stand up and reject Governors, Senators and Judges who are only interest is to satisfy their own greed, no matter the cost or harm.

Massachusetts’ Charlie Baker brings back retired judges to fire up what critics call ‘eviction machine’

‘The wheels of the eviction machine are spinning,’ activist said

Originally Published; Oct. 14, 2020 | LIT Republished; Oct. 16, 2020

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker is rehiring 15 retired judges to fire up what critics call the “eviction machine,” according to reports.

The retired judges are being brought back to court as the state faces a backlog of cases regarding its sweeping eviction ban that passed in April as part of the governor’s coronavirus emergency declaration. The ban, set to end on Saturday, halted all eviction and foreclosure court proceedings amid the pandemic.

“The wheels of the eviction machine are spinning and the programs and processes that were supposed to make it fairer for tenants are not in place,” Lewis Finfer, co-director of the Massachusetts Communities Action Network, told the Boston Herald.

The governor’s eviction ban stopped 40,000 active eviction cases from proceeding in court, according to the Herald.

Baker, a Republican, on Tuesday announced a $171 million initiative to “promote household stability, and provide more support for tenants and small landlords” in a statement.

The initiative will put $100 million toward a relief program for renters and landlords; $48.7 million toward rehousing programs; $12.3 million toward legal representation for landlords and renters in need; $6.5 million for those facing housing emergencies; and $3.8 million toward case management support.

The initiative also includes funding for the judges, but an exact figure is unknown; District Court judges make upward of $185,000 per year, the Herald reported.

A spokeswoman for the Office of the Trial Court told the outlet that the judges are being rehired for a maximum of 24 weeks “primarily to address the critical backlog of eviction cases throughout the commonwealth … until the Trial Court is up to date on eviction cases.”

Baker pushed the initial end date for the eviction moratorium back to Aug. 18, but is unlikely to do so again.

Mass. Evictions Scheduled as Charlie Baker Brings In Aged Judicial Executioners to Expedite Foreclosures on Distressed Families
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