You can submit a statement for the record to We suggest statements be 5 pages or less before March 23, 2023.
U.S. Attorney’s and investigative partners across the country are selectively committed to holding lenders accountable for liar loans.
In the interest of justice, widower and elder victim of financial and judicial fraudulence seeks 30 day extn of time to file...
Josh Fuller is a Real Estate Investor in Ft Worth and Kevin Bierwirth a Notary Public who's Notorious as a Vexatious Litigant...
Standing side by side with Judge Robert Schaffer of Court 152, Bandit foreclosure defense lawyer and CPA Robert Clay Vilt parodies Texas...
Represented by The Lane Law Firm since at least 2013, this is a decade-long client relationship. Lane Law is citing to prior...
It is hard to discern from the response as to whether this is a begging letter to the Court of Appeals for...
And unsurprisingly, the buyer is Twin Peak Investments and the Danmaisoro's who have an affidavit of heirship and sales contract in Feb....
Mr. Baugh and Mr. Harville used the internet’s power to harass and intimidate a couple who did nothing—nothing—other than publish content.
Criticism of government is at the very center of the constitutionally protected area of free discussion, cited Judge Jim Ho.
In the interest of justice, widower and elder victim of financial and judicial fraudulence seeks 90 day extn of time to file...
This is a breaking news story. It's so new that even Baker Donelson don't have a profile on their website for Ms....
The Kruckemeyer Law Firm chasin' a personal debt of $166k for client Jim Elzner from John Slocum in violation of Texas laws.
The Jet fuel owner and real estate investor, who's house went up in flames in 2019, claims $121k was finched. Lugo says...
When Eric Holden was permanently prohibited from instructing in any TX Dept of Public Safety sponsored training, the family stepped in.
Lobbyists for the banking and mortgage co's requested the bill in which they set the statutory price of their foreclosure notices at...
Service of process is usually executed by a sheriff, constable, or other person authorized by law to serve process in Texas.
Is the hospital providing a safe environment in which to perform surgery? “No,” Is it a dangerous place to practice? “Yes,” came...