Lawless Texas Debt Collectin’ Law Firm Regent and Associates. ‘It’s Business As Usual’.

Anh H Regent aka Regent & Associates LLP is filing for Fenix Capital Funding LLC against Cory Hughes of Hughes Boy Truckin’




JUL 27, 2022 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: JUL 27, 2022

Return-Writ of Garnishment after Judgment (Service completed in violation of court procedures and in law)

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.’s Original Answer To Writ Of Garnishment And Request For Award Of Costs

Frozen since filing.

In another Regent garnishment case, it has been proposed to dismiss the case without prejudice:

Judge Weems is getting way too many garnishment cases involving Regent and Associates. It’s disturbing.

Fenix Capital Funding shares the same address as Regent and Associates as does Knightbridge Funding, et al, in any filings submitted by Anh Regent.

Yet most of these funding entities have active websites and are in the main, located in New York.  We don’t need to tell you what that all means, right?

Where Do You Draw the Line, Texas? Does Bandit Lawyer Craig Noack Have Any Consequences?

President of the Texas Creditors Bar Ass. says Our entire economic engine requires there be consequences for failure to pay a judgment.

Craig Noack and Carolyn Noack are Debt Collectin’ Lawyers in Texas But Are They Legal Bandits?

Based on Noack Law Firms’ website, there’s evidence of non-attorneys working at the firm and revenue is likely mainly from debt collecting.

Lawless Texas Debt Collectin’ Law Firm Regent and Associates Filings Continue, Every Day

LIT has shown that Regent had a surety bond for many years, but not now. The judges know this too, but they are blanking their own laws.

Lawless Texas Debt Collectin’ Law Firm Regent and Associates. ‘It’s Business As Usual’.
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