Appellate Judges

Judge Cannon’s Sure Pulled Some Similar Bank Foreclosure Cases In Short Order. Repetition Brings One Up to Speed Quickly We Assume.

New US Federal Judge Aileen M. Cannon is assigned two Bank of New York Mellon and two Deutsche Bank National Trust Company cases since 30th December.

We’re Trackin’ Judge Cannon’s Cases Which are of Interest, Here it’s Foreclosures.

This page will be updated frequently, check back soon.


Romero v. LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC (2:21-cv-14094)

Assigned to Judge Aileen Cannon, District Court, S.D. Florida, 19 Feb, 2021

NEW: This new class action by a well known Florida law firm attacks the mortgage servicers unwanted debt collection calls and seeks relief and damages relying upon FDCPA/TCPA and related consumer laws.

Centurion Systems, LLC, as Trustee of the 2381 Bridgewood Trail Land Trust v. The Bank of New York Mellon (2:21-cv-14090)

Assigned to Judge Aileen Cannon, District Court, S.D. Florida, 15 Feb, 2021

UPDATE, 19 MAR, 2021: Remand is sought by attorney Lee Segal wherein his latest filing of supplemental authority cites two recent cases which were remanded to state court.

GOSSAMER WING, LLC, AS TRUSTEE v. The Bank of New York Mellon (9:21-cv-80319)

Assigned to Judge Aileen Cannon, District Court, S.D. Florida, 10 Feb, 2021

UPDATED March 6, 2021: This Florida federal case before rookie Judge Cannon has heated up fairly quickly with the bankers (creditor rights) lawyer Joseph Kohn et al at Quarles swinging a bat at opposing counsel, foreclosure defense firm Segal and Schuh Law Group, P.L. (PPP loan data here), and claiming they have filed at least 82 identical or similar claims against the Bank of New York Mellon and/or Deutsche Bank.

UPDATED March 11, 2021: Cannon issues two orders denying plaintiffs’ motion to stay and motion for reconsideration re denial of remand. Remand was denied stating that despite sharing the same Tax EIN the successor BONY entity can decide where to accept service and that plaintiff failed to serve the listed address(es).

UPDATED March 17, 2021: Cannon transfers case to M.D. Fl. 

New case recorded at M.D. Fl… LIT is watching, waiting for more movement and to see who is assigned this case – with interest.

On 15 April, Judge Jung vacated the default judgment.

Wilson v. Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (2:21-cv-14036)

Assigned to Judge Aileen Cannon, District Court, S.D. Florida, 22 Jan, 2021

UPDATE, MAR 18, 2021: Doc. 18, Motion to Consolidate Cases filed.


Assigned to Judge Aileen Cannon, District Court, S.D. Florida, 30 Dec, 2020

UPDATE, FEB 18, 2021: Doc. 45, Motion to Dismiss percolatin’.

Lofgren v. Deutsche Bank National Trust Company


Assigned to Judge Aileen Cannon, District Court, S.D. Florida, 8 Mar, 2021

UPDATE, APR 7, 2021: Doc 10, Rescheduling followed by notice of compliance

Deception in Congress: Katie Porter Worked for Ocwen but Deleted her Consulting Role from Resume

It escaped attention during Porter’s rise from law professor to the state’s independent monitor and then to her election to Congress.

Goodwin Law and PHH Ocwen are Writing Fiction in Their Selective Brief, Again

Goodwin have avoided all the main arguments raised by the pro se Burkes because they have no legal answer, so instead they prevaricate, a lot.

A Petition for Review is Submitted to the Eleventh Circuit to Address Whiteout Opinions with So Many Lies

The Judicial Council has an opportunity to correct not only a manifest injustice, but perversion of justice. It should do so and reverse the Chief Judges’ erroneous order and proceed with a special committee investigation.

Judge Cannon’s Sure Pulled Some Similar Bank Foreclosure Cases In Short Order. Repetition Brings One Up to Speed Quickly We Assume.
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