Judiciary leaders are expressing deep concern that Congress has failed to provide funding to protect federal judges. LIT says don't fund 'em.
Shelley Luan Hopkins adds herself to Judge Al Bennett's foreclosure case and then submits her summary judgment with attorney fees request.
Judge Eskridge previously dismissed Shackelford's claims with prejudice. But in his admitted haste he missed Ocwen's counterclaim. He Remands.
Defendant Mark Stubblefield appeared pro se at the court hearing, but no subsequent answer to Deutsche Bank's Complaint has been filed.
Failure to effect proper service of process within 90-day period per FRCP 4(m), Court must dismiss the action without prejudice.
It's amazin' how all foreclosure cases are distributed in S.D. Tex. Federal Court. We take no position on pro se's case. Just...
If you are a pro se litigant in federal court, you will have a lot of homework. One of your first is...
Judge Priscilla R. Owen shunts the blame onto 66 year old Circuit Executive Theodore "Ted" Cominos for the ClerkGate Corruption Scandal.
In earlier times, Judge Al Bennett was a Texas State Judge and Judge Jeff Brown was a Justice on the Texas Appellate...
Bias; The individual and extrajudicial knowledge on the part of the judge will not dispense with proof of facts not judicially cognizable.
Abuse of Discretion: The scope of the district court’s discretion is narrower when the Rule 41(b) dismissal is with prejudice says 5th...
Fifth Cir. hold that a reasonable man would reasonably question this trial judge’s impartiality and the integrity of the judicial system.
A communication divulged to “strangers” or outsiders can scarcely be considered a confidential communication between attorney and client.
"As part of its default services, LPS executed Affidavits of Default in support of Motions... In fact, it is a sham." -...
LIT compares Federal District Court Discrimination Cases between African Americans in Ill. and Elder Abuse in TX. The Disparity is Alarming
A Federal Lawsuit for Declaratory Judgment to decide if the Texas 2COA had jurisdiction to review non-appealable interlocutory orders.
The U.S. magistrate appointed to the bench in the Eastern District of Texas in 2004 found the Episcopal Church in his 20s...
I do not agree that the Reinagels’ forgery argument is a red herring. - Judge James Graves Jr., Fifth Circuit, Reinagel v...