Shellpoint's abuses are documented. Akerman is a foreclosure mill which is known to present incorrect paperwork in foreclosure cases.
Harris County Judge Tanya Garrison signed the Vexatious Litigant Order. LIT has highlighted Judge Garrison's own rule of law violations.
The first lawsuit before Judge Biery ended in default judgment because no answer filed by Joyce Gordon. Newark now represents Joyce Gordon.
Judgment Debtor, Stone Strong of Texas, LLC is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of...
Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS), nominee for Plaintiff, was named the beneficiary of the Security Instrument.
Miller represented to Highlands during his employment interviews that he generated approximately $130 million dollars in mortgages in 2020.
Despite LIT's earlier article and notice to the relevant agencies, Jaffer and Associates continues to file unlawful federal lawsuits.
No deficiency judgment or decree can be made in foreclosure where the debt secured by the mortgage is barred by the statute...
LIT performed a federal docket search and despite Claudia Brice's 27 years as a Texas lawyer, this is her first Federal case.
We're Updating this Article Live and Posting as we Work on LIT's Investigation into Texas Lawyer Robert C. Vilt and his Legal...
Death and Mark Cronenwett of Mackie Wolf. He's just filed a complaint on behalf of U.S. Bank seeking to foreclosure on Smith...
Fines for mortgage abuses and predatory lending are miniscule for Wall Street Banks, who continue to finch homes from American Homeowners.
Dissatisfied with local counsel, PHH Mortgage have retained Bradley, who are flyin' in foreclosure lawyer Graham Gerhardt from Alabama.
A Divine Failure: The Society sponsors the annual Red Mass to invoke divine guidance and strength during the coming term of the...
It's the pot callin' the kettle black as rogue lawyers and their unlicensed entities are ten a penny in Texas. LIT highlights...
Has anybody seen Mark D. Hopkins, of Hopkins Law, PLLC? He's been missing for months, and you always look at the Spouse...
Debt Management or Settlement Services in Texas Require Registration, Licensing and Annual Reporting. Alice Bower is Not Licensed in Texas.
Bristol and Dubiel are one of the thousands of law firms in violation of Texas Debt License and Bond Requirements, collecting for...