LIT's reviewing the blind draw system at S.D. Tex. Federal Courthouse. It certainly appears that the draw is not blind, it's calculated.
In 2006, Underwood's home was sold for $17k at foreclosure auction. He's been litigating for a total of 19 years. Now he's...
Judge Hoyt's recent dismissal: Non-party Karlton Woodson is a co-signatory to the Deed of Trust, but is not an obligor under the...
We've got a real bunch of misfits in this foreclosure title fraud scam. Ray Shackelford, Charlene Daniels, Michelle Bassett, et al.
In US District Judge Joan Ericksen's Order denying disqualification of Magistrate Judge David Schultz, there is no mention of 3M Shares.
MN Appoints Judge Who Previously Represented PHH Mortgage. LIT reveals the Minnesota Judiciary's Scandalous Acts enabling Wall St Home Theft.
Plaintiff LG2 LLC is a Texas limited liability co. owned by Jordan Giles and Terry Giles, who are residents of Texas. The...
The 5th Cir. allows Texas Real Estate Scammer injunctive relief while LIT wonders why this fraudster is not contesting a long prison...
You will note in the FDIC litigation involving Indymac Bank, Victor Woodworth is listed as Senior Vice President.
You will note in the FDIC litigation involving Indymac Bank, Simon Heyrick is listed as Chief Credit Officer, Enterprise Risk Mgt Committee.
Appellees cannot comply with the above direction from the Court because there is no such permanent sealing order (Rule 76a).
Appeals Court Verdict is Vacated in Part, No Doubt to Aid the Extended Time Before these Convicted Felons Actually Report to Prison.
TX Supreme Court has never held corps liable for each other's obligations merely because of centralized control, finances n mutual purposes.
What stands out for LIT is Latasha Washington has become aware of debt collection laws and surety bond requirements in Texas.
You’re acting all tough by sending that email but if we were face to face you would be scared shitless said Piccione...
After the fake bankruptcy filing in SDTX went nowhere with Bandit LeBoeuf, Bandit Vilt takes back the reins and heads State-bound to...
Life may not be fair,but judges should be, says Judge Kovach. After federal district judge Kenneth Hoyt orders sanction, Kovach denies same.
And what does Texas law say about lawyers working with Real Estate Wholesalers while providing foreclosure defense litigation services?