In Texas You'll Be Invited to Join the Ochlocracy Club of Outlaws in Dirty Black Robes If You Operate Above the Law...
Manchee know consumers coming out of bankruptcy don’t have extra money to be hiring attorneys, so all our cases are on a...
TDCA section 392.101 requires 3rd-party debt collectors to obtain a surety bond issued by a surety company authorized to do business in...
S.D. Texas Federal Court Welcomes Jaffer and Associates and the Leaches that represent Shawn Jaffer's law firm, into Chambers.
N.D. Texas Federal Court Welcomes Jaffer and Associates and the Leaches that represent Shawn Jaffer's law firm, into Chambers.
The federal lawsuit continues before Judges Brown and Edison in Galveston, despite the fact Jaffer Law is not registered with the OCCC.
In Texas You can be Sentenced for Murder if You Terminate a Pregnancy, But You'll Be Worshipped If You Operate Above the...
J. Antonio Caballero was sentenced to 2 years in federal prison and $997k in restitution for mortgage fraud crimes in Texas.
Miller represented to Highlands during his employment interviews that he generated approximately $130 million dollars in mortgages in 2020.
No deficiency judgment or decree can be made in foreclosure where the debt secured by the mortgage is barred by the statute...
LIT performed a federal docket search and despite Claudia Brice's 27 years as a Texas lawyer, this is her first Federal case.
We're Updating this Article Live and Posting as we Work on LIT's Investigation into Texas Lawyer Robert C. Vilt and his Legal...
Debt Management or Settlement Services in Texas Require Registration, Licensing and Annual Reporting. Alice Bower is Not Licensed in Texas.
Bristol and Dubiel are one of the thousands of law firms in violation of Texas Debt License and Bond Requirements, collecting for...
Lyin' Lawyer Joshua 'J' Carpenter committed a criminal act, engaged in fraud, dishonesty, deceit and was welcomed by the Texas Bar.
They are a company in violation of many state and federal laws, who have been scammin', lyin' and stealin' homes from vulnerable...
It's Bobby and Shelley back for U.S. Bank in this foreclosure case, Mark Hopkins is AWOL and Matt Graham is off doing...
LIT avers this sum as being absurd in 2022. The min. sum should be $750k. You're dragging the average Texas Citizens into...