TX Supreme Court has never held corps liable for each other's obligations merely because of centralized control, finances n mutual purposes.
What stands out for LIT is Latasha Washington has become aware of debt collection laws and surety bond requirements in Texas.
You’re acting all tough by sending that email but if we were face to face you would be scared shitless said Piccione...
Federal law, the RFPA, authorizes US gov to obtain 300 PHH Mortgage loan files without notifying or obtaining the consent of any...
The 2008 Scandal: DOJ admits predatory lending was responsible but settlement provides no restitution for true victims: the homeowners.
Protect Reporters from Exploitive State Spying (PRESS) Act
Compare with the Federal Court docket pertaining to the same case. There is no restricted docket. This restricted petition violates TX laws.
Bandit Lawyer Clay Vilt returns for third attempt and finds himself before sanctioned and admonished Harris County District Judge Ursula Hall
Neither Paxton’s office nor Lewis Brisbois have any comment on how they handled the apparent conflict, or why Paxton wasn’t interviewed.
Deplorable: In Texas, for example, hundreds of signatures were forged to help secure loans for people with no assets - Vanderbilt Testimony.
CMH and Vanderbilt intended to release the debts of home owners in order to nullify, or even conceal the fraudulent conduct of...
Employees testified that they forged customer signatures, notary signatures, and even forged dead people’s signatures on many documents.
Judge Lee Rosenthal of Houston presided over the trial wherein Roland aka Stein was sentenced to 10 years and where reasoning was...
Delete Me Demands are emailed via a private entity called Abine, Inc, a computer software development company focused on privacy tools.
In smaller law firms or solo practitioner practices, attorneys may handle various tasks, including those typically performed by paralegals.
Operating an unregistered CSO is a violation of Chapter 393, Finance Code, and may also be a criminal offense.
Texas prohibits a third-party debt collector or credit bureau from engaging in debt collection in Texas unless they hold a valid surety...
LIT's gonna make a hunch based on his clientele, he's originally from Nigeria, where the US dollar is the most valuable on...