The ten dollar fraudulent transfers keep rollin' in from Kevin Pawlowski, his Bandit lawyer Jason Leboeuf and endorsed by Judge Ravi Sandill.
Arbitrator: Lender refused to follow Freddie Mac guidelines to assist homeowners going through a divorce, awarded $2M to homeowners.
Quite the opposite DeLaRogue, Angelena Pressley aka Angelena Pressley Caffee aka Angelena Donaree Pressley-Caffee is very easy to find.
Kingman Holdings LLC and Bandit Lawyer Ken Harter have resold the property - apparently - for $348k to another dubious entity on...
Maybe Shelley Hopkins can rent Gregory's Girl on Netflix for inspiration as the years fly by and hubby no. 3 is hard...
Despite claiming to help people stop foreclosure, stop bill collectors and stay in your home, Keeling Law's a Creditor Rights Landlord.
Judge Jeralynn Manor is Facing Foreclosure of Her Own Residence and this is the First Sealing of a Foreclosure Petition LIT's seen...
A construction expert in the Heights, Melissa Kubala doesn’t just sell houses in the area; she’s part of a movement.
It appears the Sienna Plantation property is a rental property and the main residence is in Houston, Texas for Noll, based on...
Judge Alfred Bennett, a former Harris County State Court Judge is bound to be very familiar with the lawyers in this case.
LIT’s Garnishment After Judgment Tracker for the Month of October 2022. We’ll be updating this page frequently.
LIT tracked Houston Lawyer JL Sadick before re his Pandemic Fraud. Gericare is Back in State Court with a Judgment, but is...
It ain't Rene Gaviola that's listed at HCAD, nope its Marievic Gaviola. And there is a selection of debt and foreclosure cases...
Judge Bennett is receiving a lion's share of foreclosure cases on his docket via the blind draw assignment process in S.D. Texas,...
This foreclosure case is another $10 fraudulent transfer and in the background lurk Kafi Inc et al, all Real Scumbags.
This is the second time this Plaintiff has been removed to SDTX in a foreclosure involving the same attorneys on both sides.
This unlawful garnishment after judgment is due for dismissal tomorrow, Oct 17 for want of prosecution. Will Judge Hawkins show up to...
State Judge Phillips restricted a pro se’s response from the public. That triggered our interest, and LIT reviewed the restricted documents.