First, it assumes that the acceleration notice was for only the original loan amount. But the deed of trust granted the Bank...
The FDIC brings actions against professionals who have acted negligently and contributed to the failure of an insured institution. These suits maximize...
The Fifth Circuit panel ruled — go read it if you don’t believe me — that Anderson had no case for retaliation...
LOAN MODIFICATION: The Criswells therefore failed to accept that offer in strict compliance with its terms as well. Accordingly, neither agreement constituted...
No Retainer Agreements or Engagement Letters? No Fiduciary Relationship Between Bank Lawyers And Alleged Creditor? The Secret Veil that's been Pierced Confirms...
The opinion is a good news for lenders and bad news for homeowners as there is now some precedent that lenders cannot...
Thompson v. Dallas City Attorney’s Office appears to present the first use, in the history of the federal judiciary, of both the...
Bank loans to candidates and loans derived from advances on a candidate’s brokerage accounts, credit cards, home equity line of credit, or...
The wholly groundless exception to arbitrability is inconsistent with the Federal Arbitration Act and this Court’s precedent. Under the Act, arbitration is...
Justice Samuel Alito (for the Fifth Circuit) seemed the most receptive to that argument (a foreclosure is NOT a debt collection), telling...
Ocwen is propped up financially by New Residential Investment Corp. (NRI) which had swept in Phoenix-like in the wake of the April,...
It appears that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has a New Years Resolution in relation to review of foreclosure cases by...
Because our case law is clear that a voluntary dismissal of an appeal renders the opposing party the prevailing party for the...
Schiff Hardin’s conduct falls squarely within the scope of the firm’s representation of its client. This court is not bound to accept...
Were the Supreme Court to want to include attorneys effecting nonjudicial foreclosures under the FDCPA’s definition of debt collectors, it might find...
FDCPA This case presents the question whether the bona fide error defense in applies to a violation resulting from a debt collector's...
We note Representative Farenthold publicly promised to reimburse the U.S. Treasury for $84,000 in funds paid to settle the lawsuit brought against...
Carol Paselk sued the defendants for foreclosing on her residential property. Representative Farenthold publicly promised to reimburse the U.S. Treasury for $84,000...