The committee, late last month, capitulated. It withdrew its draft for no stated reason other than a lack of agreement by judges.
A Theoretical dismissal is Not Justice. Unlike the Burkes, not a shred of evidence was presented by Hopkins to support his claims.
Trump Judges: Fifth Circuit Judges Kyle Duncan, Jim Ho, Don Willett and Andy Oldham are the minority in this en banc decision.
Before issuing a scheduling order, most judges find it advisable to hold a case-management conference to learn more about the case.
School Superintendent Stetson Roane began to tell me how much he wanted to ‘curl my toes’ sexually” Dean alleged in complaint.
Unconstitutional Senior Judge Clement should not have considered the Burke's request for information about her own judicial complaint,
I cannot say I’m shocked that the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton would side with landlords said Sandy Rollins, Texas Tenants Union.
In a 7-2 decision, the D.C. Circuit holds that the House has standing to ask courts to enforce subpoenas for executive branch...
CATO argue that allowing the CFPB to carry on with unconstitutionally initiated actions would perpetuate the earlier constitutional violation.
If you’re confirmed why would a transgender person with a case before you ever think they’d have a fair and impartial hearing?...
The Burkes write to Chief Judge Priscilla Owen for answers regarding Judge Edith Brown Clement due to 5th Circuit Clerks roundabout tactics.
Congress legislated that attorneys not only have the right but the duty to blow the whistle on corporate fraud but the judiciary...
When the court is Judge Marra and there is a formal complaint he colluded with Sabrina Rose-Smith of Goodwin Procter, Ocwen lawyers,...
Judge Clements dissent included inappropriately partisan and disrespectful attacks on other federal judges in a dissenting opinion, said the complainant.
DC Ethics Opinion 256: We see no ethical violation if the receiving lawyer retains the documents and uses the disclosed information.
Dishonorably and shockingly, it has now become a desperate search for judges who can provide a fair and impartial hearing at COA...
The Code of Conduct encourages judges to remain active in the community and the legal profession so long as those activities do...
The chief justice accused Judge DeLapp of gross neglect of duty, oppression in office and complete disregard for the law and declared...