You will note in the FDIC litigation involving Indymac Bank, Victor Woodworth is listed as Senior Vice President.
You will note in the FDIC litigation involving Indymac Bank, Simon Heyrick is listed as Chief Credit Officer, Enterprise Risk Mgt Committee.
Breaking Precedent: Texas First Court of Appeals Backs Yellowfin Judgments Amidst Contentious and Jaw-dropping Legal Reasoning.
From the Absurd to the Astonishing: Expired Debt Collection, Open Docket Violation, and the Actions of a Rogue Collector for a Fl...
Bradford D. Johnson sues his former employer Whitestone REIT. The complaint is completely restricted in violation of open records laws.
What stands out for LIT is Latasha Washington has become aware of debt collection laws and surety bond requirements in Texas.
You’re acting all tough by sending that email but if we were face to face you would be scared shitless said Piccione...
However, Frost Bank retains other debt collecting law firms, inc. Fridge and Resendez PC who purchased a TX SOS surety bond in...
Bob’s private law practice focuses on debt collection, however this is intermingled as a trusted wingman for both Texas and the US...
Granting this Motion will not only save time and expense but also ensure a streamlined and efficient resolution of the related issues.
President of the Texas Creditors Bar Ass. says Our entire economic engine requires there be consequences for failure to pay a judgment.
How can you apply the law if Judges and lawyers in Texas don't follow the law? There's a name for it, we...
LIT reaffirms Texas Government and the 3 branches of Government owe billions of dollars restitution for unlawful debt collection in Texas.
Despite Kruckemeyer's website calling itself The Kruckemeyer Law Firm, it is not an entity and was only registered as a DBA on...
LIT's Reviewed HOA Lawyer Robert V. North's Civil Action History in Harris County, and it's Plain and Obvious to us, he's a...
In smaller law firms or solo practitioner practices, attorneys may handle various tasks, including those typically performed by paralegals.
There's an invasion of law firms violatin' Texas debt collection laws. But if Outlaw State Judges blank the Rule of Law, it...
Section 392.101 of the Texas Finance Code prohibits a third-party debt collector or credit bureau from engaging in debt collection in Texas.