Maybe because it was the Chief Judge Rosenthal's turn for the foreclosure but she see's it's Mackie Wolf and stutters....
The Govt hired an expensive law firm, set up a website and then watched and counted as Deutsche Bank issue new loans...
Agustin should obtain stay to seek assistance from Texas Homeowner Assistance Fund for those who incurred financial hardship during COVID-19.
In the past, the Texas Government has stolen these funds intended for homeowners and moved the cash into the "General Fund".
A 3-Panel consisting of familiar Judges Charles Wilson, Kevin Newsom and R Lanier Anderson defies logic and the law in this perverted...
Georgia will continue to hold accountable debt collectors that try to intimidate consumers by using abusive, deceptive and illegal tactics.
Homeowners foreclosure defense lawyer files suit in state court which is removed to federal court by JPMorgan's creditor rights law firm.
Deutsche Bank National Trust Company seeks a declaratory judgment and foreclosure so it may enforce its security interest in the Property.
When you go to Bar Beach in Lagos Nigeria at the weekend, the locals come by and try and sell you their...
ORDER for Initial Pretrial and Scheduling Conference and Order to Disclose Interested Persons. Initial Conference set for 6/22/2022.
Elatior, LLC buys portfolios of charged-off consumer receivables and hires BDF Law Group and Hopkins Law as Bounty Hunters to collect.
Ankus LLC has not raised a reasonable possibility that any claim could be maintained against USAA, and USAA has been improperly joined.
Sale of real property that creates a real property lien must be made not later than four years after the day the...
The last entry on the docket was filed July 5, 2021. There has been no movement as confirmed by downloading docket today...
We've had a switch of Federal Judge early in this case and we've got a decimated foreclosure mill with 2 staff attorneys...
This is the second attempt to stop foreclosure and this time creditor rights attorney Michael Schroeder is seeking federal protection.
HC DISTRICT CLERK’S NEW WEBSITE NOW SCANNING PDF’S AS IMAGES. LIT cannot transcribe PDF’s into articles as a result of further obfuscation,
LIT: Senator Ron Johnson was an avid viewer of our social media account on Twitter leading up to this congressional nomination hearing.