Here is a perfect example of why lifetime appointments without any accountability as a sitting federal judge leads to bias and ochlocracy.
When McGlinchey Stafford were at a recent Oral Argument at the Fifth Circuit in Louisiana, Judge Stewart compared Texas Courts to Brisket.
Superior Consulting and Tracey Woodson seek declaratory relief, quiet title, and injunctive relief with respect to the Property.
On March 31, 2022, James Aldape filed his Original Petition and Application for Temporary Restraining Order and Temporary Injunction.
The rogue foreclosure mill lawyers in Texas are favorites of Cenlar, who received a Cease and Desist Order from OCC late in...
Perhaps that is why the subsidiary of Cenlar Capital Corporation continues to associate with another negative, BDF Hopkins of Texas.
Leslie Gates is a regional maintenance manager at The NRP Group LLC, real estate developers in San Antonio, Texas, United States.
Defendant ROYAL PACIFIC FUNDING CORP. removes this action from the 244TH Judicial District Court of ECTOR County, Texas to W.D. Texas.
There's no such thing as a free home or a freedom mortgage that allows you stay in your home until death in...
South Carolina’s chief justice has stripped former Greenwood judge Curtis Clark of his job presiding over rigged foreclosure auctions.
Federal Question: Plaintiff has alleged violations of Regulation X of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA).
Carrington Mortgage removes this action from the District Court of Brazoria County, to the Southern District of Texas, Galveston Division.
In the Greatest Theft of Residential Housing, US govt ordered the Judicial Branch to illegally evict millions of families from their homes.
If you are a plaintiff in a civil action and have to serve your complaint on Ginnie Mae, here's the instructions on...
Read Lora's story.
Where is Mark Hopkins in 2022? And Why is Shelley Hopkins Using Of Counsel When the Fact is Hopkins Law is an...
The Shell Sham Criminal Legal Debt Collection Entity Known as Hopkins Law, PLLC, an Alter Ego of Barrett Daffin (BDF Law Group)
LIT's review of this case is not to look at personal circumstances but rather, as judges say, apply the law. Willett fails...