Harris County Texas Title Deed Fraud Alert; It's the Thieves known as Millennia Properties aka Sandy Forsythe, Justina Pasquale and Clay Vilt
Not a Housing Agency? Search for Rentals, List Your Property for Free and More! Go to the New Section8 website for Affordable...
Meanwhile, Ken Paxton and his Senator wife Angela continue to protect Texas lawyers stealin' homes from Texas Citizens by Title Deed fraud.
Section 392.101 of TFC prohibits a third-party debt collector from engaging in debt collection in Texas without active Surety Bond.
Focused on making the world better one step at a time. Eliminating Poverty by Increasing Prosperity is something that we live by...
Zaffirini is a Texas Senator, the highest-ranking woman senator, has passed the most bills. LIT suggests Quality over Quantity.
In real estate law, results are all that matter. That’s why, at The Weaver Law Firm, our eyes are always on the...
The petition claims the home at risk is currently for sale, but per LIT's investigation, it's not currently active with any realtor.
When you reach 'discovery', Requests for Admissions (RFA's) are an essential tool in both state and federal court to prove your case.
Is this a title deed fraud case? Houston Lawyer Valerie Jewett certainly thinks its a conspiracy to steal a homestead from the...
Select Portfolio Servicing Inc. (SPS) has struck a deal to acquire certain assets of Texas-based Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC.
The PHH petition should be stricken for failure to separate the exhibits, filed in Harris County District Court, Judge Dawn Rogers presiding.
The new JPN Holdings lawsuit tells a story about HOA's unlawful fines and harassment, but without a shred of evidence filed as...
On the same day as filing this Harris County Lawsuit, Galleria West Loop Investments was also filing for bankruptcy protection in WDTX.
There's known fraudulence between Bandit Lawyers for both sides in this Lakeview foreclosure case and where we've highlighted 'em before.
Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC sharing foreclosure cases, including Malcolm Cisneros, a Law Corporation based in Dallas and Irvine, California.
Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC and Loancare were taken to court by Heynz, but it would be quickly dismissed after removal to federal...
Lakeview, represented by BDF Hopkins teed off against San Antonio Lawyer John Serna, who didn't respond to filings in federal court.