The district court, in adopting the magistrate judge's recommendation, erred in dismissing Sharnez's § 1981, § 1982, and Title II claims.
Questionably, why did Bank of New York allow the HOA to foreclose by default for $700 after they foreclosed on the homeowners...
Justice Goodman's correction and rejection of specific evidence requirement should have been in the body of the opinion, not as a footnote.
Michael Harris's return was put on the Houston Rocket Docket re 4707 Schlipf Rd, Katy, TX 77493
NEW YORK: The Supreme Court properly denied PHH ONITY and US Bank's time-barred motion and canceling mortgage.
The Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia has not recognized a tort of wrongful foreclosure as a cause of action in...
It looks like BDF lawyer Peter Knapp has taken a permanent nap from his position as Shelley Hopkins enters to cover for...
A district court has jurisdiction to hear appeals of a bankruptcy court’s nonfinal, interlocutory orders only with leave of the court.
Contrary to what Plaintiff argues, subject matter jurisdiction existed in this Court at the time of removal. - Magistrate Judge Chris Bryan.
This judicial order, which erroneously claims the lien has already been foreclosed would allow the lender a minimum of 10 years to...
Court sanction: $1k fines and issues pre-filing injunction to deter the Couches and their Counsel from continuing to file meritless lawsuits.
PHH has been burdened by Plaintiff’s continued litigation, as have various lawyers and government officials in the court system.
No May Be In Texas: It is well-settled that possession and title are not obtained by the lender until the sale has...
While the Court finds no binding precedent on point, it finds multiple decisions from within the Fifth Circuit to be particularly persuasive.
The facts alleged, though scant, are sufficient to assert Trustee committed bad faith misconduct by failing to provide proper prior notice.
Outgoing Judge Morris grants Deutsche Bank summary judgment on last day in corrupt order to delay time-barred foreclosure case.
Tom and Ruth Bayko commence independent legal action to stop expedited foreclosure proceedings which is removed to federal court.
Midfirst Bank have dumped Shelley Hopkins in favor of Nick Frame of the Wolves of Texas in recent cases, as lenders cancel...