The removed action was by U.S. Bank's foreclosure mill lawyers at Mackie Wolf and now they have filed their 2nd motion to...
Comparing the Honorable Eighth Cir. opinion with the Judicial Outlaws at the Fifth Cir. and Eleventh Cir. shows not all Judges lie...
The Govt hired an expensive law firm, set up a website and then watched and counted as Deutsche Bank issue new loans...
The case fixing allegations against Jones and Sharp came to light in late 2020 after The Ouachita Citizen obtained damning court documents.
A 3-Panel consisting of familiar Judges Charles Wilson, Kevin Newsom and R Lanier Anderson defies logic and the law in this perverted...
New lawsuit raps 'lavish' pay, benefits of Texas Bar employees. Says Texas Bar not following recent 5th Circuit decision.
I'm a man and women are second class citizens. Deal with it, says Federalist Society member and Associate Justice Samuel Alito for...
When you go to Bar Beach in Lagos Nigeria at the weekend, the locals come by and try and sell you their...
LIT: Senator Ron Johnson was an avid viewer of our social media account on Twitter leading up to this congressional nomination hearing.
AG Merrick Garland announced he would stop redlining. LIT told him the first case should be this one in Illinois. Here's what...
Here's a perfect example of going on the offensive with false accusations and frivolous lawsuits. Are you reading Shelley Hopkins and DOJ?
Normally foreclosure mills are adding associates to complaints to earn more fees. Not in this case, there's only the lone wolf, Cronenwett.
This court makes a confident Erie guess that the Texas Supreme Court would have concluded that explicit substitution was not required.
Diogu shipped several vehicles overseas, including a Porsche and a Hummer and claims they are outside this Court’s jurisdiction.
Burch is again warned that additional frivolous or abusive filings in federal court[s] will result in the imposition of further sanctions.
The Fifth Circuit Decried 'You know, this is an eviction case at the Fifth Circuit' and suggested no more Gumbo (Federal) cases...
Respected Foreclosure Defense Lawyer J. Patrick Sutton lashes out at Hon. Moore and the States Fifth Circuit Appellate Court in Dallas.
Homeowners Association (HOA) foreclosure laws were tweaked in 2011 but that didn't stop HOA selling homes at auction for cents on the...