The federal lawsuit continues before Judges Brown and Edison in Galveston, despite the fact Jaffer Law is not registered with the OCCC.
Dishonorable Judge Mike Engelhart has been randomly assigned to the high profile case in Texas re COVID-19 and 'misinformation'.
In Texas You can be Sentenced for Murder if You Terminate a Pregnancy, But You'll Be Worshipped If You Operate Above the...
Shellpoint's abuses are documented. Akerman is a foreclosure mill which is known to present incorrect paperwork in foreclosure cases.
A consumer may take private legal action against a third-party debt collector or credit bureau for a violation of Chapter 392.
Harris County Judge Tanya Garrison signed the Vexatious Litigant Order. LIT has highlighted Judge Garrison's own rule of law violations.
Regent & Associates LLP files into Harris County Court seeking to collect on an alleged outstanding invoice factoring debt of $37.5k.
LIT has highlighted this firm before for violatin' Texas debt collection laws. Lyn won't stop filin' and LIT won't stop alerting consumers.
Chapter 392, Texas Finance Code, provides for both civil remedies and criminal penalties. Tex. Fin. Code §§ 392.402–.404.
The writ application is from an aged judgment, issued in 2015 with a scribbled and hard to follow judgment signed by then-Judge...
Anh H Regent aka Regent & Associates LLP did have a registered Surety Bond filed with the State, but it was canceled...
Bounty Hunter James E. Cuellar has held a Texas Bar license for nearly 40 years. He's back hunting down $2.9 million dollars...
The first lawsuit before Judge Biery ended in default judgment because no answer filed by Joyce Gordon. Newark now represents Joyce Gordon.
What does Dr Randle's Daughter and Baker Botts Lawyer, Lauren Randle have to say about her father's legal woes and perceived asset...
Judgment Debtor, Stone Strong of Texas, LLC is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of...
Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS), nominee for Plaintiff, was named the beneficiary of the Security Instrument.
Despite LIT's earlier article and notice to the relevant agencies, Jaffer and Associates continues to file unlawful federal lawsuits.
LIT compares Bonded Debt Collector and Dallas solo Law Firm of Jack M. Kuykendall with Rogue Debt Collection Law Firm Scheef and...