With non-contested judicial orders of foreclosure in 2010, 2013 and 2019, the property is still owned in Feb. 2024, by Oliver and...
Fairness in Federal Judiciary's Service and Remand Orders Questioned as Eighth Circuit Asserts Robber's Rights Trump Elderly Citizen's Needs.
Boston homeowner emerges victorious as a jury awards $2.75 million judgment against perpetrators of a foreclosure rescue scam.
Maine Supreme Justice Catherine Connor was a Pierce Atwood attorney in 2017 who represented and filed appellate brief for Bank of America.
Formerly of W.D. Louisiana, now S.D. Texas Bankruptcy Court, Judge Jeffrey Norman's rules are indiscriminate as applied to litigants filing bankruptcy in...
If you're a lawyer who doesn't mind thievin' or stealin' real estate from distressed or elderly homeowners, become a lawyer or judge...
LIT's Ongoing Investigations Expose the Legal Culprits: Unraveling the Dark Web of Mortgage Fraud and Elder Abuse in Texas Courts.
The judicial misconduct continues as Wiseman obtains TRO against AVT Title Services denied 24 hrs earlier to pro se 85-yr-old Joanna Burke.
Mental illness issues re Sen. Fetterman and Judge Hildago publicly lauded but distressed homeowners are left to commit suicide by foreclosure.
LIT's investigation lays bare a troubling story of elder abuse, with Deutsche Bank, PHH and legal counsel at the center of the...
5th Circuit finds complaint sufficiently alleged facts that Judge Lambert and the attorneys conspired to violate Ballards due process rights.
LIT Founder's bold stand against clerk record fees sparks a landmark rule change, offering financial relief to citizens in the legal system.
Legal Vigilance at 85: Widow's Stand Against Unlawful Property Seizure as Her Brave Crusade Shines Light on Wall St. Property Theft Tactics.
US Gov. partners with Home Thievin' Nazi German Deutsche Bank, which stores in excess of 21 million homeowners legal documents.
Judge Tami Craft’s colorful past and present conduct is disqualifying in nature according to the rules of judicial conduct.
This hard won Equitable Subrogation case is another Twist on Real Estate Loans and Lien Laws and which the Courts tried to...
Bandit Appellate Lawyer Mark Hopkins was relegated to second chair at Supreme Court oral argument as his case crumbled before the court.
LIT founder is suing Mackie Wolf, creditor rights law firm for elder abuse by commencing a wrongful foreclosure against an 85 yr-old...