LIT's foreclosure tracker is watchin' Robert F. Strange versus Deutsche Bank National Trust Company before Judge Eskridge in SDTX.
Judge Hanks is now issuing residential mortgage protocols and automatic protective orders in foreclosure cases since LIT started tracking.
Judge Hanks is now issuing automatic protective orders in foreclosure cases since LIT started highlighting these cases.
Accusations of a fraudulent financial scheme and false statements to where did the PPP funds actually go are questions which need answered.
The historical purpose of exemption laws has been to protect a debtor from creditors, to provide her with the basic necessities of...
FDIC, having transferred all of IndyMac’s assets to OneWest in 2009, no longer had authority to execute the assignment to the trust...
Engagement of Attorneys allowed Plaintiffs to submit a feasible plan, disburse a total of $105, 877.52 to creditors and receive a discharge.
LIT is not aware as to why Dana Dill would sue. Certainly, the testimony of Dill disposes of the question of damages,...
In U.S. Bank v Morris, the Judge's Report details at least 5 times when the Bank non-suited the foreclosure civil action, violating...
Mr. Cooper violated Massachusetts Law by engaging in deceptive debt collection practices on a debt previously discharged in bankruptcy.
Code of Conduct for Law Clerks are legally authoritative and binding on law clerks even after they leave judges’ employment.
Open Courts: "The legitimacy and integrity of a court’s action depend on the public’s ability to scrutinize the basis for that action."
The Fifth Circuit Should Have Dismissed for Lack of Appellate Jurisdiction as Rushmore is not a Party to the Lawsuit in the...
Goodwin have avoided all the main arguments raised by the pro se Burkes because they have no legal answer, so instead they...
The US Supreme Court is a partisan court which is protecting corrupt judges and supporting the largest theft of citizen's homes in...
Albright Slap Down: "Austin remains the more convenient forum...the district court’s decision amounts to a clear abuse of discretion.
San Antonio United States Federal Judge Biery Jr is Best Known for Threats to Make Feuding Lawyers Kiss in Front of the...
Rios v Specialized Loan Servicing LLC before Judge Jeff Brown, S.D. Tex. McClure for Rios and Galloway Law Foreclosure Mill for SLS.