Looking to thwart foreclosure of the home at 826 Bunker Hill Road Houston TX 77024, the delay results in a six-month bk...
Mark Hopkins and Shelley Hopkins snap removed Jeffery James Dennis to Federal Court and randomly assigned to Senior Judge Hittner.
After a court agreed she stole home at 19226 PINEWOOD MIST LN HUMBLE TX 77346 Christa Burch reneges on legal settlement to...
Brad Jones is the owner of Exquisite and his legal history is far removed from what the petition filed by Gannon leads...
After Judge Ewing Werlein, Jr dismissed the prior case without prejudice and the non-disclosure of the presence of Delarue, Mass returns.
LIT's Real Scumbag Series: The fraud on the court involving Larry Preston's sons and a legal bandit, Texas lawyer Erick Delarue.
Deutsche Bank has neither an automatic stay or injunction which prevented Deutsche Bank from timely filing its claims and causes of action.
When a court of competent jurisdiction assumes jurisdiction over an action in rem, no other court may exercise concurrent jurisdiction.
The Bob's home since 2006 is now owned by IXIS REAL ESTATE CAPITAL TRUST 1661 WORTHINGTON RD STE 100 WEST PALM BEACH...
The First Circuit supports the Texas Supreme Court decision in PNC v Howard (2023), and Fifth Circuit Judge Oldham in Bryant v...
Stay tuned as this dramatic saga unfolds during the season of Government cleanup.
Vu Truong returns to HCDC re the same apt at 1901 Post Oak. In our related article, the other entity has always...
That differs when you are in Federal Court on Appeal. It didn't stop PHH and Mark Cronenwett from filing for nonjudicial foreclosure.
The Texas Struggle: Defying Northern Banking Giants and Their Bounty Hunting Lawyers to Protect Her Home from Rustlers and Thieves
In Plaintiff’s prior response, under section F. Burke Fails to Assert a Claim for Fraud, the How element was inadvertently omitted.
Texas Supreme Court Justice Blacklock: Why should the court give the lender rights it didn’t bargain for to get paid?
Gunsmoke and Legal Misfires: PHH’s Reply Misses the Mark. Hopkins Law’s Cockamamie Response Turns Legal Logic into High Noon Nonsense.
After dismissal of their federal lawsuit and termination of relationship with lawyer Dave Medearis, the Sweeney's hire J GANNON HELSTOWSKI.