NY: Ocwen Financial Corp., was included because it is identified in the state’s foreclosure database as the servicer for the property.
LIT finds it to be implausible that BK Judge Christopher Jaime didn't know the law, instead he willfully distorted the law to...
The judge’s mere awareness and approval of the terms of the settlement agreement do not suffice to make them part of his...
The district court, in adopting the magistrate judge's recommendation, erred in dismissing Sharnez's § 1981, § 1982, and Title II claims.
Questionably, why did Bank of New York allow the HOA to foreclose by default for $700 after they foreclosed on the homeowners...
NEW YORK: The Supreme Court properly denied PHH ONITY and US Bank's time-barred motion and canceling mortgage.
A district court has jurisdiction to hear appeals of a bankruptcy court’s nonfinal, interlocutory orders only with leave of the court.
Contrary to what Plaintiff argues, subject matter jurisdiction existed in this Court at the time of removal. - Magistrate Judge Chris Bryan.
This judicial order, which erroneously claims the lien has already been foreclosed would allow the lender a minimum of 10 years to...
PHH has been burdened by Plaintiff’s continued litigation, as have various lawyers and government officials in the court system.
No May Be In Texas: It is well-settled that possession and title are not obtained by the lender until the sale has...
Outgoing Judge Morris grants Deutsche Bank summary judgment on last day in corrupt order to delay time-barred foreclosure case.
Commercial, Investment Property and Residential Homes for Sale at Harris County Nonjudicial Foreclosure Auction
LIT's watched Shackelford appear in many of his removed foreclosure cases without submitting a pro hac vice application and fees.
Colony Ridge Request Judge Keith Ellison dismiss the State’s Complaint for lack of subject matter jurisdiction as Bray's dead wrong.
Judge Werlein recused in July and hence ONITY's argument is frivolous, and their motion for summary judgment violates court procedures.
All non-attorney pro se litigants must deliver or mail filings to the Clerk’s Office, as per SD TX Guidelines for Litigants Without...