Former Bulgarian wrestler Evelin Banev was facing trials in three countries for money laundering and drug trafficking.
You will read and watch about how the Judiciary dismissed complaints against her with the same evidence presented by a whistleblower today.
The ONLY solution to the problem is to take back the housing stock from these Wall St. entities and REITS or it's...
I'm a man and women are second class citizens. Deal with it, says Federalist Society member and Associate Justice Samuel Alito for...
When you go to Bar Beach in Lagos Nigeria at the weekend, the locals come by and try and sell you their...
ORDER for Initial Pretrial and Scheduling Conference and Order to Disclose Interested Persons. Initial Conference set for 6/22/2022.
Elatior, LLC buys portfolios of charged-off consumer receivables and hires BDF Law Group and Hopkins Law as Bounty Hunters to collect.
Ankus LLC has not raised a reasonable possibility that any claim could be maintained against USAA, and USAA has been improperly joined.
Sale of real property that creates a real property lien must be made not later than four years after the day the...
The last entry on the docket was filed July 5, 2021. There has been no movement as confirmed by downloading docket today...
We've had a switch of Federal Judge early in this case and we've got a decimated foreclosure mill with 2 staff attorneys...
This is the second attempt to stop foreclosure and this time creditor rights attorney Michael Schroeder is seeking federal protection.
HC DISTRICT CLERK’S NEW WEBSITE NOW SCANNING PDF’S AS IMAGES. LIT cannot transcribe PDF’s into articles as a result of further obfuscation,
Two Hawaii Lawmakers former State Senator Jamie English and Finance Vice Chair Ty Cullen Charged In Bribery Scheme Over Cesspool Legislation.
LIT: Senator Ron Johnson was an avid viewer of our social media account on Twitter leading up to this congressional nomination hearing.
Judges are adopting a media focused style of legal writing, separating themselves from their judicial colleagues, causing strife within.
Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser announced a lawsuit has been filed targeting One Connection LLC for unauthorized practice of law.
Fix the Court’s letter is naive when addressing the judges on this panel. Roth clearly shows a lack of experience with the...