Bowden has been outspoken on social media recently about vaccine mandates and treatments and has been suspended for her views by Methodist.
Mark Cronenwett, the foreclosure mill lawyer from Mackie Wolf, who is on auto-dial from federal courts to file attorney fees, returns again.
Interestingly, Justice Brunner is a concurring opinion, yet as you will see in the videos presented by LIT, she claimed to be...
The revolving door is where an individual moves back and forth between a govt regulator and serving the interests of regulated entities.
Dismissals for lack of jurisdiction are generally without prejudice. Not in this case sayeth the Fifth Circuit panel reviewing de novo.
Perry stole from the people who trusted her and were desperate for assistance. NY courts slap her with probation for theft of...
Greedy Attorney Bruce Matson was sentenced to 44 months in federal prison related to his theft of $4 million of bankruptcy trust...
LIT's now following Debra Innocenti-Placette as she returns to Federal Court armed with a new foreclosure defense attorney.
We have a substitute trustee, pro se. Homeowner is represented by attorney JUAN ANGEL GUERRA and lender by law firm Polsinelli.
Jorge Tello v. PennyMac Loan Services ends quickly after removal from state to federal court. Locke Lord representing PennyMac.
Eligible candidates could receive up to approximately $3.4 million in public matching funds based on qualifying contributions.
Magisterial District Judge Michael Schechterly pleaded guilty to intimidating witness and obstructing investigation of sexual misconduct.
Be wary of unsolicited offers to purchase your home. Homeowners should be very careful if they respond to any direct solicitation.
After the 'bench retirement' of Judge David Evans, this zoom conference is now being held in another court, the 192nd in Texas.
The significant and distressing difference is the Burkes battle is not just with the opposing parties, but with the judicial machinery itself.
The end of Clerkships: If this proposal were to gain momentum, the lower courts should be mandated to implement this new precedent.
Merkel, the outgoing German chancellor, said the dramatic situation was the result of the fourth wave hitting our country with full force.
At this early stage of litigation, the court finds that the documentary proof and the facts alleged by Veritas are sufficient.