On Sep 19, 2022, the SEC filed an emergency action to stop an on-going fraudulent and unregistered crypto asset offering targeting latinos.
The two cases involve the same property, BOFA sued first and then DeLaRue has filed to stop the 736 foreclosure, relyin' on...
The collection lawyers at The Dushkin Law Firm represent all types of businesses in the enforcement and collection of judgments.
There's a discrepancy of 16 years between the date on the lawsuit petition and what HCAD is recording as the actual date...
After Fed. Judge Keith Ellison tossed his Law case law and precedents to the side in Strange's other foreclosure, Vilt wants to...
Robert Clayton Vilt swaggers into Harris County District Court to represent Ihab Ahmed despite committing deed fraud repetitively in Texas.
Pfizer Says COVID Vaccine Will Cost as Much as $130 Per Dose When Government Contract Ends, approximately Four Times the Current Price.
Friends helping friends says Norm Eisen. We not only countenance it, we embrace it. That is the American political, legal and ethical...
The problem with Texas is that the Govt and the Judiciary Endorse Title Deed Fraud Because it Involves Bandit Lawyers and Outlaw...
Compare to Harris County District Court in Houston, TX, who Seal ALL cases involving Divorce, and also When a Judge is Impartial...
This is what's wrong with Texas and the Judiciary. It's run by lawyers who promote spouse(s) for judges on the bench with...
Contact Joseph Jackson if you are in the process of buying, selling or renting a property and he'll allegedly apply the takings...
Bookmark to see if and when Pro Se's petition is released onto the docket at Harris County District Court.
Beware of this Houston lawyer Erick DeLaRogue DeLaRue. He's part of a foreclosure scam squad and the evidence is overwhelming.
The ten dollar fraudulent transfers keep rollin' in from Kevin Pawlowski, his Bandit lawyer Jason Leboeuf and endorsed by Judge Ravi Sandill.
Quite the opposite DeLaRogue, Angelena Pressley aka Angelena Pressley Caffee aka Angelena Donaree Pressley-Caffee is very easy to find.
Kingman Holdings LLC and Bandit Lawyer Ken Harter have resold the property - apparently - for $348k to another dubious entity on...
Maybe Shelley Hopkins can rent Gregory's Girl on Netflix for inspiration as the years fly by and hubby no. 3 is hard...