LIT's Continuous Monitoring Uncovers the Fall of the TRO $100 Cash Bond Which Will No Longer be Universally Adopted.
Bonner Files for Quiet Title After Harris County Snap Removal.
Choudri avers that Wyatt has multiple arrests and convictions for high misdemeanors and felonies, even using the alias Jonathan Sanders.
Nearly a quarter of the cases—23.4%—the Supreme Court has targeted for review this term so far come from the Fifth Circuit Court...
LIT's Ongoing Investigations Shine a Light on Judicial Activism and Injustice in Houston Federal Court Against Targeted Pro Se Litigants
Riston is represented by foreclosure defense counsel in this matter and not one of the usual suspects, who secured a TRO in...
HWA seeks attorney fees as a sanction and rescission of TRO. However, they have been complicit in allowing the past abuses to...
Concerned with Mass's dismissal failed to follow blackletter laws, LIT recovered Dykema's motion to dismiss, uncovering a shocking secret.
This is the fourth meritless action in this district initiated by Ali Choudri to thwart foreclosure aided by lawyers Delarue and Pope.
In re Dividend Solar Finance LLC and Fifth Third Bank Sales and Lending Practices Litigation
Finding Focus: Addressing Sound Distractions in Legal Workspaces While Managing Client Confidentiality in Less-Than-Ideal Acoustic Conditions
Residents of the Kings Mill subdivision have alerted the HOA for years of the dangers Kings Mill Lane, also known as the...
Uneven Treatment: Judge Allows Longer Response Time for Opposing Party and their Counsel Despite Previous Restrictions on Pro Se Plaintiff.
Despite a budget surplus, Kingwood Service Assoc. claims that excess funds are still needed, denying Mills Branch significant unspent amounts
Wells Fargo filed for an expedited foreclosure in July. The default hearing is set for Oct. 15, 2024. Delarue commenced new proceedings.
The Southern District of Texas Houston Division's Federal Court Scandals mount as this case presents a further example of Judicial Activism.
US District and Fifth Circuit Judges Defy Centuries of Texas Law in Conspiratorial Opinions Targeting Homeowners and Illegal Home Seizures.
A review of legal procedures in federal court foreclosure proceedings show selective application of the laws and glossed opinions.