Director of foreclosure mill Galloway, and creditor rights lawyer to Wall Street mortgage lenders, he claims his clients are clouding titles.
So much for the buyer Minerve assured HCDC's ancillary judge would be purchasing the property, it's been newly listed for sale.
Fight for Homeownership: Couple Takes on Adverse Possession Claim with Help from Legal Counsel to Stop Eviction Drama
Jacobo Cordova's water-damaged residence at 6 Heritage Court, Houston, a property valued at $830,000 was facing a March foreclosure auction.
The same Hardeman who made a statement on video at Nate Paul's auction "go find a court in this building to stop...
After lengthy litigation, accused thieving bandit lawyers escape disbarment and jail, slapped with mere fines and a time-out.
The CFPB will do everything under the law to ensure that illegal junk fees don’t drive prices up in the consumer financial...
It is clear and obvious the judicial branch has had words of reassurance for their friend, as he switches to foreclosure eviction...
LIT's ongoing series investigating the Judiciary's conspiracy with Vilt, De Pasquale and CCTX, Epiphany Properties continues.
Since Nov. 2023, US/TX gov. has intercepted the legal filings sent by 85-year old Joanna Burke, and refused to file time-sensitive pleadings.
Michael Van Deelen retains counsel to take on the powerhouse lawyers and law firms in this high-profile federal case in Texas.
Chasing Tiny Debts to Strip Cash Windfall from Equity in Home: The loan was for $66k and LIT suggests appx $17k remains...
With non-contested judicial orders of foreclosure in 2010, 2013 and 2019, the property is still owned in Feb. 2024, by Oliver and...
The good news is the Catholic Bandit doesn't need a reminder set to submit any motion for attorney fees, Judge Alan Abright...
Comerica Bank and PHH foreclosure: The Catholic Bandit nonsuits state case on Jan 22, 2024 and refiles in SDTX federal court on...
Maine Supreme Justice Catherine Connor was a Pierce Atwood attorney in 2017 who represented and filed appellate brief for Bank of America.
Vu Truong returns to HCDC re the same apt at 1901 Post Oak on Dec 27, 2023. It appears no TRO was...
If you're a lawyer who doesn't mind thievin' or stealin' real estate from distressed or elderly homeowners, become a lawyer or judge...