After listening to Oral Arguments at the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and Ms Walkers statements, we decided to take...
Longtime Harris County judge Michael McSpadden formally slapped on the wrist for a second time by the State of Texas Commission on...
Federalist Society Member, Trumpette and Educator of Law announces; I don’t think it’s right to say that the Federalist Society picks judges.
US Supreme Court 5th Circuit Orders and Grants for 5th Cir. and Other Notable Cases from Other Circuits (November 25, 2019)
In this 7th Circuit Appeal, a homeowner effectively wins a free and clear home. That is a great result for this homeowner...
DiResta: I suspect that SCOTUS will, in fact, find the structure unconstitutional on the basis of the separation of powers. But I...
Deutsche Bank : A former Deutsche Bank executive who signed off on several controversial loans to Donald Trump killed himself in his...
Increased rents, depressed housing prices, deferred maintenance and increased evictions due to REIT ownership may increase unaffordability, create greater instability and decrease...
An accounting irregularity bordering on fraud, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac contradict themselves over net worth sweep. Steve Mnuchin is eager to privatize...
The White House instructed federal agencies they are under no obligation to comply with the legal decisions issued by the government’s top...
Activism: As Wall Street Bankers sweep up foreclosures and put them into Investment Trusts Called REITs, that means; There are no jobs...
Judge Hughes routinely denies plaintiffs Constitutional due process under the 14th Amendment and the right to a civil jury trial under the...
Barr’s view of history, including his claim that the Founders shared in any respect his vision of an unchecked president, and his...
All American also notes in its reply brief that a group of 11 (Republican) state Attorneys General have filed an amicus brief...
Trump’s already had five appointees to the court, it’s already a much more conservative court than before and it might be the...
US Supreme Court 5th Circuit Orders and Grants for 5th Cir. and Other Notable Cases from Other Circuits (November 18, 2019)
McConnell’s renewed focus on confirming conservative judges comes after his joint fundraising committee received a $256,600 contribution in mid-September from C. Boyden...
This motion revolves around the Magna Carta and the Constitution, which has been brutally slighted by Judge Patrick E. Higginbotham and the...