GTIS acquired more than 4,000 houses in the years following the U.S. foreclosure crisis, when Wall Street-backed investors bought thousands of discounted...
The CFPB amendments provide that a mortgage servicer can offer a streamline modification to borrowers with COVID-19-related hardship based on an incomplete...
The subcommittee proposes that Rule 35 be abrogated and that a single rule— Rule 40—govern all petitions for rehearing.
Instead of simply deciding whether to permit the appeal, the motions panel elected to decide the merits of the case without any...
Appellants, Joanna Burke and John Burke (“Burkes”), now file a motion to stay based on the events of last week at the...
Lawyer legal training and practice blur the line between truth and falsity. As a judge or justice they will find it hard...
The court dealt a blow to shareholders, turning away a claim that the Federal Housing Finance Agency exceeded its statutory authority.
Former Judge Jessica O'Brien is married to a Judge and was on $195,000 year salary but that did not stop her greed...
The SCOTUS plaintiffs accused Goldman Sachs of unlawfully hiding conflicts of interest when creating risky subprime securities.
Residential Capital filed lawsuits against 12 lenders that originated poor quality loans that ResCap purchased and securitized, including PRMI.
FHA paid out millions of dollars of insurance claims on Nutter Home Loans. A multitude of these claims involved false certifications.
The Oregon Bankers Association (“OBA”) and a number of other banks including Axos Bank sued the State of Oregon in August 2020.
Judges are yet to accept the fact that the people are armed with more tools than ever before, to disrobe the corruption...
The Cali bar wants to disbar Girardi, accusing him of misappropriating millions in client funds, dishonesty and more. The Bar needs a...
The profound events of 2007 and 2008 known as the financial crisis or the great recession and blame is documented in the...
FHFA is not acting as the gov't when it foreclosed on the plaintiffs’ mortgages and was not subject to their Fifth Amendment...
To the contrary, the deed of trust provides attorney fees become additional debt secured by the deed of trust.
Ilya Shapiro is VP & Director, Robert A. Levy Center for Constitutional Studies at Cato Institute founded by Charles G. Koch of...