The Govt hired an expensive law firm, set up a website and then watched and counted as Deutsche Bank issue new loans...
Four 4th Judicial District judges conspired to cover up illegal acts of a law clerk acting under their supervision Marchman states in...
The case fixing allegations against Jones and Sharp came to light in late 2020 after The Ouachita Citizen obtained damning court documents.
Our most dangerous people are people from within, Donald Trump said at CPAC and he went on to ridicule the United States...
I'm a man and women are second class citizens. Deal with it, says Federalist Society member and Associate Justice Samuel Alito for...
When you go to Bar Beach in Lagos Nigeria at the weekend, the locals come by and try and sell you their...
ORDER for Initial Pretrial and Scheduling Conference and Order to Disclose Interested Persons. Initial Conference set for 6/22/2022.
Elatior, LLC buys portfolios of charged-off consumer receivables and hires BDF Law Group and Hopkins Law as Bounty Hunters to collect.
LIT: Senator Ron Johnson was an avid viewer of our social media account on Twitter leading up to this congressional nomination hearing.
Texas Appellate Court Chief Justice Sudderth's concurring opinion suggesting she ‘loathed’ having to follow the law.
A Foreclosure Sale Does NOT Start the Statute Of Limitations Clock according to the majority of justices on the Nevada Supreme Court.
What is a standard of review in Texas? It is a function of the allocation of judicial power between trial and appellate...
Judge Sean H. Lane signed order granting debtor Thomas Motion to “Reclassify Chase claim as unsecured and Expunge” J.P. Morgan Chase Claim.
Contrary to the State Bar’s argument, the testimony supports the panel’s finding that personal or emotional problems apply here.
Attorney Mousavi was thereby attempting to obtain the property . . . from another . . . by a wrongful use of...
AG Merrick Garland announced he would stop redlining. LIT told him the first case should be this one in Illinois. Here's what...
Nominated by Ronald Reagan in 1983, like many, he wouldn't resign. It's time for term limits for federal and circuit judges.
The majority described Hankes’ conduct as grounds for disbarment but instead he is suspended, without referral for criminal prosecution.