McCormack, 56, who has been on the bench for 10 years, said she will retire after Nov. 22. She has not announced...
The Texas Supreme Court hears10 percent of appealed cases. Of those cases, the high court overrules the lower court in about 80...
SDTX Federal Chief Judge Lee Rosenthal quickly disposes of the complaint against Chief Justice Hecht, and Justices Busby and Boyd, TSC.
Dark money group the Federalist Society holds itself out to be an educational org. Wrong. It's the right-wing Judicial and Legal Cabal.
An alumni at Rhodes College created a petition for the school to remove Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett from the school's Hall of...
James E Turner, deceased is a former Houston Realtor with 3 prior properties showing on HCAD. LIT investigates this rushed sale by...
TDCA section 392.101 requires 3rd-party debt collectors to obtain a surety bond issued by a surety company authorized to do business in...
S.D. Texas Federal Court Welcomes Jaffer and Associates and the Leaches that represent Shawn Jaffer's law firm, into Chambers.
N.D. Texas Federal Court Welcomes Jaffer and Associates and the Leaches that represent Shawn Jaffer's law firm, into Chambers.
The federal lawsuit continues before Judges Brown and Edison in Galveston, despite the fact Jaffer Law is not registered with the OCCC.
In Texas You can be Sentenced for Murder if You Terminate a Pregnancy, But You'll Be Worshipped If You Operate Above the...
The truth is the People do not trust the U.S. Government, full of lawyers and judges who 'run the country' and assert...
LIT compares Bonded Debt Collector and Dallas solo Law Firm of Jack M. Kuykendall with Rogue Debt Collection Law Firm Scheef and...
Equity Experts, EquityExperts.Org, LLC, waged a long-term collection campaign against the Crosses based on a debt they did not owe.
No deficiency judgment or decree can be made in foreclosure where the debt secured by the mortgage is barred by the statute...
We're Updating this Article Live and Posting as we Work on LIT's Investigation into Texas Lawyer Robert C. Vilt and his Legal...
A Divine Failure: The Society sponsors the annual Red Mass to invoke divine guidance and strength during the coming term of the...
It's the pot callin' the kettle black as rogue lawyers and their unlicensed entities are ten a penny in Texas. LIT highlights...