ABOVE THE LAW: Private citizens who are brutalized by rogue federal officers (OF THE COURTS) can find little solace ... DUE TO...
Illinois: The “single-refiling rule,” which prohibits actions that have been voluntarily dismissed from being refiled more than once.
If you notice, all the arguments re acceleration are based on post 2008 financial crisis opinions by the corrupt Fifth Circuit judges.
Who is Texas tycoon and physician James Leininger and what's his relationship to the Judiciary and Fifth Ciruit Chief Judge Owen?
The scope of judicial immunity in the Eleventh Circuit is now made clear. Judicial immunity is complete, unqualified, and without exception.
Justice Sotomayor rips Fifth Circuit for their breathtaking defiance of the rule of law, precedent, and their flaming cowardice.
Kim Naimoli v Ocwen Loan Servicing, now PHH Mortgage Corporation receives response from CFPB at request of Second Circuit Panel on Appeal.
Ocwens' Consent Judgment had two sets of obligations: complying with federal and state law, and complying with the fencing-in provisions.
Even under a traditional res judicata approach, Marra appropriately considered the terms of the Consent Judgment. CFPB’s claims are barred.
Judge Marra's analysis of the res judicata effect of the Consent Judgment using traditional principles shows that method is inappropriate.
A clear failure by the trial court to analyze or apply the law correctly will constitute an abuse of discretion.
H.R. 4, in short, is court reform. An indication that House Democrats are getting serious about reining in an out-of-control Supreme Court.
The Copper King era and Montana’s long history of political corruption play a significant role in the development of Montana’s judiciary.
As long as the people accept this appalling type of behavior by federal judges and their staff, courts will continue to trample...
Judges do not choose their cases, and litigants do not choose their judges. We all operate on a blind draw system.
Lewis's mother threatened a Texas judge where she admitted to knowing where the Judge kept his gun. She was a housekeeper at...
Judge King sat on another recent appeal panel re internet searches involving Judge Lynn Hughes who looked up a litigant's company erroneously
In the past six years, the Senate received articles of impeachment for not one but two federal judges, said Sen. Chuck Grassley.