Seven years of litigation by the tenants against their landlords in both state and federal court ends in dismissal with prejudice.
Jan. 2024: The judges of Harris County District Courts appointed Sharon Chu Criminal Law Hearing Officer. In federal court, this happened.
Producers in the bond business, like Muharib, enjoy the benefit of keeping the majority of the premium paid on each bond written.
How Wisam Muharib, Owner of a Bail Bond Business Uses His Corvette to Dodge Debt Collection and Hide Assets from Forfeiture.
A Subliminal Message: Zions Bank Leverages Historical and Modern-day Connections in Harris County Texas Legal Financial Dispute.
Struggling with Repossession and Foreclosure: Veronica McKelvin Smith Faces Eviction After Legal Battles in State and Federal Courthouses
The Florida deficiency judgment from 2022 pre-dated the 2024 loan modification but now the judgment holder wants paid and seeks to foreclose.
In forma pauperis (IFP) abuse goes unchecked in Harris County District Court as North files 8 lawsuits in one day, all granted.
It's all BBQ and Brisket. Maybe Candace Brooks can get refinanced by former bankruptcy Chief Judge David R. Jones and his own...
Tran's dual representation: PRCHOU are being sued in Houston federal court and have filed suit against METRO in Harris County District Court.
Reinstated Texas Lawyer George Bishop's purportedly fraudulent and backdated deed filings goes unchecked or without referral to the State Bar.
Convicted Felon Anthony Welch and his co-conspirator Eno Williams file multiple proceedings in Corpus Christi's appeal court.
Veronica Swan's at the Water's Edge with her Humble home, and now her bankruptcy attorney is appearing in her removed state case.
Another lawsuit filed by Svetlana Pestova which has been referred to mediation. This property has ties to the Rachel Gallegos article on...
This is one of several recent lawsuit filed where Svetlana Pestova is involved. Why did Judges Schaffer and Roth seal the original...
The Controversial Path of Bounty Hunter and Lawyer Marcella Hagger: She Navigates Both Sides of Foreclosure with Changing Allegiances.
One would assume the court would review its own dockets of past litigation as a pre-TRO check - or ask at the...
Rhonda Ross’s Unique Clientele: Felons, Moguls, n' Everything in Between; A Diverse Client Roster: From Anthony Welch to Mega's Ali Lahijani.