Lawyer Manookian has displayed a custom and habit of threatening opposing counsel and third parties for no reasonably legitimate purpose.
Alleged Sexual Predator Jonathan Newell had been a judge since 2016. Before that, he was the county’s state’s attorney since 2003.
Aplin has given to 20 PACs, Patrick, Gov. Abbott, AG Ken Paxton, Speaker of the Texas House Dade Phelan, and former speaker...
ABOVE THE LAW: Private citizens who are brutalized by rogue federal officers (OF THE COURTS) can find little solace ... DUE TO...
The Chief Judge is Janet DiFiore and she is a client of Greenberg Traurig, who represented two lenders on appeals she reversed...
Cook County Judge James Shapiro asked the mother if she was vaccinated. When she said no, the judge withdrew her rights to...
Illinois: The “single-refiling rule,” which prohibits actions that have been voluntarily dismissed from being refiled more than once.
Harriet Nicholson v. Nationstar Mortgage, LLC; Nicholson's complaint allegations mirrored the case CFPB pursued against Nationstar.
A clear failure by the trial court to analyze or apply the law correctly will constitute an abuse of discretion.
The Copper King era and Montana’s long history of political corruption play a significant role in the development of Montana’s judiciary.
As long as the people accept this appalling type of behavior by federal judges and their staff, courts will continue to trample...
Lewis's mother threatened a Texas judge where she admitted to knowing where the Judge kept his gun. She was a housekeeper at...
An affidavit from Elizabeth A. Ostermann, the Vice President of Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC failed to convince appellate judges in NY.
In the past six years, the Senate received articles of impeachment for not one but two federal judges, said Sen. Chuck Grassley.
Judiciary leaders are expressing deep concern that Congress has failed to provide funding to protect federal judges. LIT says don't fund 'em.
In earlier times, Judge Al Bennett was a Texas State Judge and Judge Jeff Brown was a Justice on the Texas Appellate...
Fifth Cir. hold that a reasonable man would reasonably question this trial judge’s impartiality and the integrity of the judicial system.
Evidence of judicial corruption requires reversal regardless of the other facts of the particular case. - Tennessee Supreme Court