In 2013, Bank of America’s lawyers somehow convinced a higher appellate court to review Michael Winston's $3.8 Million dollar verdict.
The appointment of substitute trustees is a matter between the loan servicer and L. Keller Mackie that has no effect on King’s...
Today, Ally's CEO claims it has leading market positions in its core franchises and one of the strongest balance sheets in the...
One of the biggest barriers April Farris faced was a personal barrier: imposter syndrome after growing up in a small West Texas...
According to the resignation agreement, George Barnstone was named in six complaints with at least seven allegations of misconduct.
There is also no attorney fees requested or affidavit post judgment by the foreclosure mill lawyers at Mackie Wolf and Locke Lord.
The court will consider postjudgment U.S. Bank’s request for attorney’s fees pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 54(d)(2).
Magistrate Judge Farrer Questions Mackie Wolf's Complaint and Rejects their Over-arching Default Judgment Demands on Behalf of Deutsche Bank.
Magistrate Judge Chestney's M&R recommends Attorney Fees (unchallenged) and District Judge Erza Rubber Stamps the Fee Award to Mackie Wolf.
Frank Caporusso, a Long Island man who left a threatening voicemail last year for the judge presiding over the Michael Flynn case
It appears the homeowners' attorney, an IP attorney, did not contest the $20k in attorney fees by Mark Cronenwett of Mackie Wolf...
Plaintiffs were unduly inconvenienced and harassed by PHH’s unlawful attempts to collect the discharged subject debt.
PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION is the successor to Maverick Financial Corp. PHH a wholly owned subsidiary of Ocwen Financial Corp., Florida.
PHH said that it did not qualify as a debt collector and shouldn’t be subjected to the laws Culver was suing under....
Post-Discharge 12 Yrs Ago and After the First Lawsuit Settled, PHH and OCWEN Continue Making Harassing and Coercive Contacts with Plaintiff.
The FDCPA was not made for the protection of experts, but for the public. These acts were harassing attempts to collect a...
Judge Nelson puts PRMI on the hook for just over $22 million altogether, with 75% of that sum being awarded to law...
LIT compares foreclosure mill complaint filed in this foreclosure action against a recent filing in W.D. Tex. Atty fees wording is modified.