Shelley Hopkins is not listed as owner of Hopkins Law, PLLC, but it didn't stop her claiming she owned it on a...
The rogue foreclosure mill lawyers in Texas are favorites of Cenlar, who received a Cease and Desist Order from OCC late in...
Perhaps that is why the subsidiary of Cenlar Capital Corporation continues to associate with another negative, BDF Hopkins of Texas.
Defendant ROYAL PACIFIC FUNDING CORP. removes this action from the 244TH Judicial District Court of ECTOR County, Texas to W.D. Texas.
Well, the Wolves are Back with a Complaint by MERS against homeowners in Corpus Christi for Paying of their Loan, caused by...
There's no such thing as a free home or a freedom mortgage that allows you stay in your home until death in...
South Carolina’s chief justice has stripped former Greenwood judge Curtis Clark of his job presiding over rigged foreclosure auctions.
Pro se Plaintiff failed to state a claim upon which relief may be granted and therefore each of Plaintiff’s claims should be...
Federal Question: Plaintiff has alleged violations of Regulation X of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA).
Carrington Mortgage removes this action from the District Court of Brazoria County, to the Southern District of Texas, Galveston Division.
In the Greatest Theft of Residential Housing, US govt ordered the Judicial Branch to illegally evict millions of families from their homes.
Read Lora's story.
Texas creditor rights lawyer Damian Abreo is not far away. His law firm is representing the Bank and his only interest is...
Where is Mark Hopkins in 2022? And Why is Shelley Hopkins Using Of Counsel When the Fact is Hopkins Law is an...
The Shell Sham Criminal Legal Debt Collection Entity Known as Hopkins Law, PLLC, an Alter Ego of Barrett Daffin (BDF Law Group)
LIT's review of this case is not to look at personal circumstances but rather, as judges say, apply the law. Willett fails...
LIT has reviewed all wordsmithed opinions from the Fifth Circuit's foreclosure docket since the Greatest Theft of Housing in American History.
In the latest federal filing, the PPP Lenders from Texas Are Being Obtuse with Opposing Counsel and Plaintiffs seek to clarify their...