Taking issue with the amount due to clear past arrears and the fact the Bank is proceeding with a foreclosure sale.
Property at Risk - 9406 Rentur Dr, Houston, TX 77031 (Rent est. $2,134 pm). Bookmark for updates on this home slated for...
Residential Capital (RESCAP) was effectively a U.S. Gov backed lender. They wanted damages post 2008 and have spent 13 plus years litigating.
Former Texas Southern University Law School Asst Dean Edward Wayne Rene hit with second serious criminal charge.
Greed: The greatest theft of American's homes was decided after the 2008 financial crisis where banks were bailed out and homeowners evicted.
On Saturday, August 27, 2022, James R. Payne, Sr. entered his eternal rest in Texas City with his beloved family by his...
Removal to Federal Court is too expensive for the Rios’s to maintain the cost of an attorney, so the wrongful foreclosure lawsuit...
Harris County Texas Title Deed Fraud Alert; It's the Thieves known as Millennia Properties aka Sandy Forsythe, Justina Pasquale and Clay Vilt
A Single Man, Never Married, No Kids – Senator Bryan Hughes Authored the Texas ‘Heartbeat’ Bill which takes away women's right to...
Not a Housing Agency? Search for Rentals, List Your Property for Free and More! Go to the New Section8 website for Affordable...
Ochlocracy from the Court of Appeals for the 5th Cir.“Wouldn’t judges know more than police officers do?” Judge Catharina Haynes asked.
Based on Noack Law Firms' website, there's evidence of non-attorneys working at the firm and revenue is likely mainly from debt collecting.
Meanwhile, Ken Paxton and his Senator wife Angela continue to protect Texas lawyers stealin' homes from Texas Citizens by Title Deed fraud.
This is an interesting case as all the parties on both sides of the court will know each other. Hard Money v...
Section 392.101 of TFC prohibits a third-party debt collector from engaging in debt collection in Texas without active Surety Bond.
Focused on making the world better one step at a time. Eliminating Poverty by Increasing Prosperity is something that we live by...
This is another lawsuit filed in Harris County District Court which is a story without any attaching evidence. Y'all know LIT's watchin'.
LIT's Creating Scrapbooks on Texas Senators to Show Why They Cannot Focus on the Criminal Fraud by Fellow Lawyers and Judges in...