Fairness in Federal Judiciary's Service and Remand Orders Questioned as Eighth Circuit Asserts Robber's Rights Trump Elderly Citizen's Needs.
At a current market value of nearly one and a half million dollars, investment advisor Stokey's homestead is facing foreclosure.
PHH scheduled the house for auction on Jan 2024. The removed state case has subsequently been dismissed without prejudice.
Per Flores petition, PHH have an order of foreclosure from a related case and they have retained foreclosure mill Locke Lord.
The good news is the Catholic Bandit doesn't need a reminder set to submit any motion for attorney fees, Judge Alan Abright...
In a perplexing legal development, the dismissal of a lawsuit against a decedent’s estate has caught LIT's attention.
Comerica Bank and PHH foreclosure: The Catholic Bandit nonsuits state case on Jan 22, 2024 and refiles in SDTX federal court on...
Boston homeowner emerges victorious as a jury awards $2.75 million judgment against perpetrators of a foreclosure rescue scam.
Neither the law firm nor the sr district judge recognized or grappled with Rule 11’s procedural requirements at any point in this...
Maine Supreme Justice Catherine Connor was a Pierce Atwood attorney in 2017 who represented and filed appellate brief for Bank of America.
CVS Pharmacy Commercial Property Loan Default by CIRCLE T RESERVES L L C aka Earnest and Lecia Taylor vs. AMG TEXAS CAPITAL...
On the same day, Dec. 27, 2023 as Castaneda obtains abatement of foreclosure, Texas Outlaw Tami Craft is scheming to steal Burke's...
Vu Truong returns to HCDC re the same apt at 1901 Post Oak on Dec 27, 2023. It appears no TRO was...
Formerly of W.D. Louisiana, now S.D. Texas Bankruptcy Court, Judge Jeffrey Norman's rules are indiscriminate as applied to litigants filing bankruptcy in...
Texas Lawyer "Andy Taylor is a real clown and I will forever recuse myself from ALL cases that he files...He's a disgrace...
If you're a lawyer who doesn't mind thievin' or stealin' real estate from distressed or elderly homeowners, become a lawyer or judge...
LIT's Ongoing Investigations Expose the Legal Culprits: Unraveling the Dark Web of Mortgage Fraud and Elder Abuse in Texas Courts.
The judicial misconduct continues as Wiseman obtains TRO against AVT Title Services denied 24 hrs earlier to pro se 85-yr-old Joanna Burke.