It also looks like Emily Stroope managed to convert Deutsche Bank to a new client for Baker Donelson when she left the...
SDTX Adversary case for Declaratory judgment Complaint by Robert Strange Jr against Deutsche Bank National Trust Company.
ORDER for Initial Pretrial and Scheduling Conference set for 5/26/2023 at 01:45 PM in Courtroom 3A Houston before Judge Keith P Ellison.
Judicial term limits have become increasingly contentious in the news but LIT has always supported imposing term limits on federal judges.
Stella Poe is an elderly widow. Her husband died in 2018. She was facing a final court eviction case when the Ten...
712 Orange Ln is a beautiful home that combines spacious living areas, four bedrooms, and three full baths listed at $319,000.
Bob’s private law practice focuses on debt collection, however this is intermingled as a trusted wingman for both Texas and the US...
Considering the nature of the Kew family medical background which includes memory and function it is lost when translated into court filings.
MD Anderson contends that Plaintiff engaged in self-help discovery by unlawfully taking the Reports in order to use them against MD Anderson.
Lewis Brisbois, a biglaw firm employing lawyers in Houston who engage in legal and ethical misconduct, inc. serious violations of Texas laws.
Judge Lee Rosenthal of Houston presided over the trial wherein Roland aka Stein was sentenced to 10 years and where reasoning was...
In 2014, ABA House of Delegates adopted a resolution urging states to adopt judicial disqualification and recusal procedures.
This is the second stop foreclosure action by Jamie Phelan of Kingwood, who claims to have sold home for $330k to Chase...
Harris County Texas Title Deed Fraud Alert; It's the Thieves known as Millennia Properties aka Sandy Forsythe, Justina Pasquale and Clay Vilt
Robert Clayton Vilts' Stop Foreclosure Auction Practice is still motoring along, despite a rap sheet as big as Ken Paxton and Nate...
LIT checked for CSO registration at the Texas Secretary of State and Debt Management database at TX OCCC. Results: NADA. Zilch. Zero.
In smaller law firms or solo practitioner practices, attorneys may handle various tasks, including those typically performed by paralegals.
U.S. Federal District courts have treated law firms in the business of judicial foreclosures as debt collectors under the FDCPA.