S.D. Texas Federal Court Welcomes Jaffer and Associates and the Leaches that represent Shawn Jaffer's law firm, into Chambers.
N.D. Texas Federal Court Welcomes Jaffer and Associates and the Leaches that represent Shawn Jaffer's law firm, into Chambers.
The federal lawsuit continues before Judges Brown and Edison in Galveston, despite the fact Jaffer Law is not registered with the OCCC.
In Texas You can be Sentenced for Murder if You Terminate a Pregnancy, But You'll Be Worshipped If You Operate Above the...
The truth is the People do not trust the U.S. Government, full of lawyers and judges who 'run the country' and assert...
Equity Experts, EquityExperts.Org, LLC, waged a long-term collection campaign against the Crosses based on a debt they did not owe.
No deficiency judgment or decree can be made in foreclosure where the debt secured by the mortgage is barred by the statute...
We're Updating this Article Live and Posting as we Work on LIT's Investigation into Texas Lawyer Robert C. Vilt and his Legal...
A Divine Failure: The Society sponsors the annual Red Mass to invoke divine guidance and strength during the coming term of the...
Has anybody seen Mark D. Hopkins, of Hopkins Law, PLLC? He's been missing for months, and you always look at the Spouse...
Debt Management or Settlement Services in Texas Require Registration, Licensing and Annual Reporting. Alice Bower is Not Licensed in Texas.
Bristol and Dubiel are one of the thousands of law firms in violation of Texas Debt License and Bond Requirements, collecting for...
Apparently, Chris Wyatt was fired by Goldman Sachs while employed as VP for Litton Loan Servicing in Houston. Ocwen would acquire Litton.
Gloria Castrellon now Gloria Chapa is removed to federal court by Lawyers for DBNTCO, PHH n MERS, Locke Lord LLP, a foreclosure...
Unlike the majority of Vilt's similar cases, this fraudulent conveyance comes with a copy of the Special Warranty Deed.
CitiMortgage offered no reason why favoring the monthly deadlines and ignoring the grace period would do the least damage to the text...
Judge Andrew 'Andy' Oldham penned the Opinion for the 3-panel known to favor Deutsche Bank, and which included Judge Haynes and Jolly.
Non prisoner Lamell obtains a partial reversal in his favor from a 3-panel which capitulated from their earlier opinion. LIT investigates why.