At least Robert Wiseman is consistent. From foreclosure defense lawyer Erick Delarue in 2518 Cleburne to Clay Vilt in 3rd Ward Holdings.
The Clerks at the Southern District Federal Court in Houston willfully and intentionally fail to file Adversary Proceedings on date received.
At least Robert Wiseman is consistent. From foreclosure defense lawyer Erick Delarue in 2518 Cleburne to Clay Vilt in 3rd Ward Holdings.
This scam foreclosure case is a prime example of the collusion and fraud between the courts and lawyers on both sides of...
The Constance case verifies LIT's assertion of gov. interference and conspiracy to corruptly and unlawfully target LIT's founder and his family.
Do you require a TRO or injunction to prevent foreclosure in Texas? No. LIT has hundreds if not thousands of cases where...
Join LIT live here, and on X as we write up this article providing irrefutable evidence of the greatest theft of citizens...
Austin lawyer Mark Hopkins and his spouse, former BDF foreclosure mill lawyer Shelley Hopkins, commit more deception, sanctioned by PHH.
LIT analyzed prior Bid reports as a comparison and homes which had a bid amount were sold at the auction. LIT also...
Local Rule 3.3.3 has not been adopted by rogue judge(s) and as such, they are acting beyond their judicial capacities by policymaking.
Since Nov. 2023, US/TX gov. has intercepted the legal filings sent by 85-year old Joanna Burke, and refused to file time-sensitive pleadings.
Director of foreclosure mill Galloway, and creditor rights lawyer to Wall Street mortgage lenders, he claims his clients are clouding titles.
Judge Jeralynn Manor sealed it before, and she seals 2024 case after LIT outed the court and Thayer in December 2023 re...
After lengthy litigation, accused thieving bandit lawyers escape disbarment and jail, slapped with mere fines and a time-out.
The CFPB will do everything under the law to ensure that illegal junk fees don’t drive prices up in the consumer financial...
It is clear and obvious the judicial branch has had words of reassurance for their friend, as he switches to foreclosure eviction...
Dorman's case verifies LIT's assertion of gov. interference and conspiracy to corruptly and unlawfully target LIT's founder and his family.
Since Nov. 2023, US/TX gov. has intercepted the legal filings sent by 85-year old Joanna Burke, and refused to file time-sensitive pleadings.