Lyndell Price has shot to celebrity status in H-Town and this Bad Boy seems to have the Judiciary and Police Wipin' Criminal...
Superior Consulting Group were before Judge Hoyt very recently and LIT was trackin' the case. Apparently, it's a very small place, H-Town.
As warranted as this case may be, it doesn't detract from the fact that Bradley and Feldman do not hold active surety...
Convicted Felon Anthony Welch has been stealin' and thievin' for many years in Texas with hardly a scratch to his name or...
A sole proprietorship is not a person . . . It is not a corporation, partnership or other juridical person. It cannot...
Mike Razi Shahrokh is another Curry Town REI Scumbag and he's in the right company with sanctioned Texas Lawyer Jerry Schutza.
Betanco was allegedly defrauded by Ortego, which resulted in Betanco being dispossessed of the homestead. No exhibits attached to complaint.
And the usual notary returns for the bandit, the vexatious litigant named Kevin Bierwirth from Austin, visitin' Houston again.
The courts are startin' to ruefully admit to LIT's series about title deed fraud in Texas but they ain't sanctioning the Bandit...
LIT has witnessed and provided case after case of Vilt's lyin' ways for greed and corrupt means. The Judiciary in Texas applaud...
Alexander Whitelaw died in 2013 and his wife Delores in 2018 but son's affidavit claims several missed payments. Zuzana Whitelaw at residence.
After taking up LIT's cause to out the rogue debt collection firms and their counsel, lawyer James 'Tony' Foley dismisses Noack.
As Judge Bennett and Hopkins hook up once more, LIT says: Birds of a feather flock together where there's honor among thieves...
Ain't the timing amazing. We've detailed on LIT how judges are injecting their own personal bias into opinions and applying wrong standards.
Homeowner has lived cost free in her home for over two years. During that time she has bullied, and threatened anyone who...
LIT notes that the DOJ in Rusk St, Houston is failing to provide any federal case information or indictments in bare bones...
A Texas man, Dinesh Sah was sentenced today to more than 11 years in prison in connection with his fraudulent PPP loan...
Settlements and judgments under the False Claims Act exceeded $2.2 billion in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2022.