Fight for Homeownership: Couple Takes on Adverse Possession Claim with Help from Legal Counsel to Stop Eviction Drama
Dorman's case verifies LIT's assertion of gov. interference and conspiracy to corruptly and unlawfully target LIT's founder and his family.
Since Nov. 2023, US/TX gov. has intercepted the legal filings sent by 85-year old Joanna Burke, and refused to file time-sensitive pleadings.
Michael Van Deelen retains counsel to take on the powerhouse lawyers and law firms in this high-profile federal case in Texas.
Chasing Tiny Debts to Strip Cash Windfall from Equity in Home: The loan was for $66k and LIT suggests appx $17k remains...
Texas Homeowner Veronica Mafle Arrested in Operation Lone Star for Attempting to Smuggle $222k in Dirty Money Shuttle to Mexico.
As Wall St, US Gov., and Judiciary circle the wagons, this means allowing the Catholic Bandit go on the lam as they...
Fairness in Federal Judiciary's Service and Remand Orders Questioned as Eighth Circuit Asserts Robber's Rights Trump Elderly Citizen's Needs.
Comerica Bank and PHH foreclosure: The Catholic Bandit nonsuits state case on Jan 22, 2024 and refiles in SDTX federal court on...
Maine Supreme Justice Catherine Connor was a Pierce Atwood attorney in 2017 who represented and filed appellate brief for Bank of America.
Texas Lawyer "Andy Taylor is a real clown and I will forever recuse myself from ALL cases that he files...He's a disgrace...
Legal Vigilance at 85: Widow's Stand Against Unlawful Property Seizure as Her Brave Crusade Shines Light on Wall St. Property Theft Tactics.
US Gov. partners with Home Thievin' Nazi German Deutsche Bank, which stores in excess of 21 million homeowners legal documents.
Founder of LIT's intervention has Debt Collectin' Lawyer Clyde Jay Jackson of Burford Perry over-zealously advocating for his law firms.
LIT founder is suing Mackie Wolf, creditor rights law firm for elder abuse by commencing a wrongful foreclosure against an 85 yr-old...
Former attorney at Abraham Watkins, debt collector Jay Jackson of Burford Perry even stalked Bailey's home as part of his recorded timesheet.
One problem is that they are suing to collect alleged delinquent debts in Texas, but their selected law firms are in violation...
In the lawless State of Texas, we're always investigating players in the real estate vertical, including a Queen. Now, a couple of...