Bank Managers are Stealing Millions of Dollars and Receiving Light Jail Sentences compared to Citizens Involved in Theft Sums for Small Amounts....
In its attempt to gain control of the Board, OCWEN Altisource launches a proxy fight against Front Yard Residential regards collapse of...
Thomas "Tom" Hefferon is a partner at Goodwin Procter. He concentrates on defending prominent financial institutions facing litigation in courts nationwide.
Matthew 'Matt' Sheldon is a partner in Goodwin Procter LLP's Financial Industry and Consumer Financial Services Litigation practices.
Epstein made a significant portion of his fortune while banking with Deutsche Bank, even though his criminal record had cost him his...
Laura Craven is a senior attorney, Goodwin Procter LLP. Ms. Craven specializes in consumer financial services litigation. She joined Goodwin in 2005.
Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Hecht received the complaint after multiple judges recused themselves from the Judge Bill Gravell investigation.
Court records do not name the candidates that benefited from the criminal scheme but say they included two candidates for U.S. House...
A well-known Waco, Texas defense lawyer, who once ran for county district attorney, sat behind bars on Saturday in a murder for...
A Vermont lawyer has had her license suspended on an interim basis after she was accused of pulling a gun on a...
Before the Texas prosecutors could file their case, however, Walmart escalated concerns to high-ranking officials at the DOJ, who then intervened. Brown...
Theodore H. Frank is director at the Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute and the Center for Class Action Fairness. He's known as Ted...
Homewreckers: How a Gang of Wall Street Kingpins, Crooked Banks, and Vulture Capitalists Suckered Millions Out of Their Homes and the American...
Goldman Sachs Forecloses on 10,000 Homeowners. A settlement after the 2008 financial crisis required the bank to offer homeowners $1.8 billion in...
It is well established that a federal court may consider collateral issues after an action is no longer pending, incl. the imposition...
The sanctions are minimal, considering the lengthy history of abuses in Texas courts by BDF Hopkins, a foreclosure mill law firm with...
Former foreclosure banker Joseph Otting resigns but his old pal from OneWest Bank steps into his shoes. Brian Brooks has been a...
Sen. Mike Shirkey condemned those who have populated a number of social media posts with crude, violent and threatening messages about our...